会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20


A study of twentieth-century data on volcanic eruptions shows a slow sustained
rise in reported eruptions, with sharp drops that coincide with the two world wars.
The most reasonable interpretation of these data is that volcanic activity in this
century has held at a steady level throughout.
Which of the following is most likely to be an assumption underlying the
interpretation of the data described?

The slow rise in reported volcanic eruptions in the twentieth century
 can reasonably be expected to be sustained for the remainder of this century.
Volcanic eruptions constitute only a small percentage of the sum total of
 volcanic activity, but they tend to get recorded more faithfully than other
 volcanic activity.
The fact that the sharp drops in reports of volcanic eruptions occurred
 during the two wars is attributable to random fluctuations in the data.
The variations in the frequency of reports of volcanic eruptions can
 reasonably be attributed to factors impinging on the reporting activity itself.
Pre-twentieth-century data are too unsystematic to support any reasonably
 firm conclusions about long-term levels of volcanic activity


To watch television with intelligence is a skill that has to be learned,
just as the skill of reading a book has to be learned. Television, largely
because of the illusions inherent in it as a visual medium that relics on
both the strengths and weaknesses of the camera, plays tricks that one must
learn to make allowance for if one is to recreate the reality of flesh and
blood that these tricks distort.
Which of the following is the major point made by the passage above?

It takes a skillful viewer to extract an authentic picture of the world
 and of the events in it from the television images that present them both.
Knowing how to watch a television program intelligently is no less
 important a skill than knowing how to read a book.
The makers of television programs possess an arsenal of visual tricks
 with which they can dupe the unwary viewer.
Technological innovation in video cameras is frustrating in that it often
 makes available features for which there is no present need and often does not
 supply features that could be put to good use.
The skill of watching television intelligently is very much like the skill
 of reading a book in that each requires above all the ability to recognize
 illusions and distortions for what they are.


会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:21


Faraday does not ---- any particular theory; she
believes that each theory increases our
understanding of some dreams but that no
single theory can ---- them all.

endorse.. explain
discuss.. simplify
mention.. replace
evaluate.. identify
criticize.. eradicate


Although his outnumbered troops fought
bravely, the general felt he had no choice
but to ---- defeat and ---- a retreat.

hasten.. suggest
seek.. try
oversee.. reject
overcome.. request
acknowledge.. order


Despite some allowances for occupational
mobility, the normal expectation of seventeenth-
century English society was that the child’s
vocation would develop along familial lines;
---- the career of one’s parents was therefore ----.

disagreement with .. forbidden
divergence from .. limited
preparation for .. difficult
reliance on .. unanticipated
assumption of .. premature


The little-known but rapidly expanding use of
computers in mapmaking is technologically
similar to the more ---- uses in designing
everything from bolts to satellites.


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