会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20


Forestry experts are beginning to question the policy of attempting to
extinguish all forest fires instead of allowing them to run their course.
Observations about the results of forest fires have indicated that their
effects may be, in the long run, beneficial to the overall ecology of the
Which of the following could most logically be one of the "observations"
referred to in the passage above?

More than half of all forest fires are the result of natural causes such as
 lightning rather than the result of human carelessness.
Most people are killed or seriously injured each year attempting to
 fight forest fires than would be killed or injured if the fires were
 allowed to burn themselves out.
Frequent small forest fires prevent the accumulation of highly flammable
 dead brushwood and timber, which can support massive, uncontrollable fires.
The animal and plant life destroyed by forest fires seldom represents
 endangered species.
Study of tree tissues indicates that forest fires were a regular occurrence
 in the times preceding human occupation of forest areas.

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