会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20


1. Because its average annual rainfall is only about
four inches, one of the major tasks faced by the
country has been to find ----sources of water.
(A) discontinuous
(B) natural
(C) supplementary
(D) pervasive 考试用书
(E) initial
2. It would seem that absolute qualities in art
---- us, that we cannot escape viewing works
of art in ---- of time and circumstance.
(A) enlighten.. a pattern
(B) frighten.. an absence
(C) confuse.. a welter
(D) elude .. a context
(E) deceive.. a milieu
3. This new government is faced not only with
---- its economy but also with implementing
new rural development programs to ---- the
flow of farm workers to the city.
(A) managing.. stem
(B) offsetting.. harness
(C) bolstering.. transmit
(D) challenging.. measure
(E) modernizing.. subsidize
4. An analysis of the ideas in the novel compels an
analysis of the form of the work, particularly
when form and content are as ---- as they are
in The House of the Seven Gables.
(A) symptomatic
(B) delineated
(C) integrated
(D) conspicuous
(E) distinctive
5. The blueprints for the new automobile were
---- at first glance, but the designer had been
basically too conservative to ---- previous 中 华 考 试 网
standards of beauty.
(A) striking.. flout
(B) impractical.. ignore
(C) impeccable.. dispel
(D) influential ..assess
(E) confusing.. incorporate
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