会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20


 6、The popularity of pseudoscience and quack medicines in the nineteenth century suggests that people were very----- but the gullibility of the public today makes citizens of yesterday look like hard-nosed ------.   A, cautious.. educators
  B, sophisticated.. realists
  C, rational.. pragmatists
  D, naive.. idealists
  E, credulous.. skeptics
  pseudoscience: n.伪科学
  quack: n.冒牌医生,江湖骗子
  hard-nosed: a.1.(猎犬)嗅觉不灵的 2.执拗的,倔强的,顽强的,不屈不挠的 3.(美俚)精明而讲究实际的
  sophisticated: a.老于世故的,富于经验的,精通的
  rational: a.1.理性的,理智的,明事理的 2.合理的 3.神智健全的
  pragmatist: 实用主义者
  naive: a.1.天真的 2.幼稚的,轻信的 3.未有过经验的
  idealist: n.1.理想主义者,理想家,空想家 2.〔哲〕唯心主义者,唯心论者
  credulous: a.轻信的,易受骗的,因轻信而引起的
  sceptic: n.1.怀疑(论)者 2.怀疑宗教(尤指基督教)者
  7、Though extremely ------ about his own plans, the man allowed his associates no such privacy and was constantly ------- information about what they intended to do next.
  A, idiosyncratic .. altering
  B, guarded.. eschewing
  C, candid.. uncovering
  D, reticent. . soliciting
  E, fastidious.. ruining
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