会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20




【重点词条】definite 1: having distinct or certain limits2 a: free of all ambiguity, uncertainty, or obscurityb: unquestionable, decided3: typically designating an identified or immediately identifiable person or thing4 a: being constant in number, usu. less than 20, and occurring in multiples of the petal numberb: cymose <a ~ inflorescence> syn see explicit -- def.i.nite.ly adv -- def.i.nite.ness n


【解题分析】attemp to表目的,by短语中的to仍然表达目的,并且两个宾语suitable varieties与favorable traits同义,故相应的动词应同义,与breed构成同义词的为b的reinforce.

【重点词条】In favor of -- in favor of 1 a: in accord or sympathy with b: for the acquittal of <a verdict in favor of the accused> c: in support of 2: to the order of 3: in order to choose: out of preference for-- in one's favor 1: in one's good graces 2: to one's advantage-- out of favor : unpopular, disliked


【解题分析】a regime has declared war on justice.是该句的主干。without在此表示条件,结果是 has declared war on justice. 故条件相吻合的为c.

【重点词条】supreme 1: highest in rank or authority2: highest in degree or quality3: ultimate, final-- su.preme.ly adv -- su.preme.ness n

suppression 1: an act or instance of suppressing: the state of being suppressed 2: the conscious intentional exclusion from consciousness of a thought or feeling

accountibility : the quality or state of being accountable; esp: an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions

prioritization : to list or rate (as projects or goals) in order of priority usage see -ize -- pri.or.i.ti.za.tion n

autonomy 1: the quality or state of being self-governing; esp: the right of self-government 2: self-directing freedom and esp. moral independence 3: a self-governing state




【重点词条】cursorily rapidly and often superficially performed or produced: hasty <a ~ glance> syn see superficial -- cur.so.ri.ly adv -- cur.so.ri.ness n



【解题分析】paradoxically修饰disoriention may yield加 空格这一句,所以空格当然是产生好事物,否则无法paradoxically. a是唯一的好词。

【重点词条】hazard 1: a game of chance like craps played with two dice 2: a source of danger 3 a: chance, risk b: a chance event: accident 4 obs: stake 3a 5: a golf-course obstacle -- at hazard : at stake 2hazard vt (1530): venture, risk

somatic 1: of, relating to, or affecting the body esp. as distinguished from the germ plasm or the psyche 2: of or relating to the wall of the body: parietal -- so.mat.i.cal.ly adv

disorder 1: to disturb the order of 2: to disturb the regular or normal functions of 2disorder n (1530) 1: lack of order2: breach of the peace or public order3: an abnormal physical or mental condition: ailment <a nervous ~>



会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:21


【解题分析】由ironically可知denotative与figurative为反义词,由空格前的this可知空格应填denotative的同义词,因而是figurative的反义词,为literal. 这个词考过很多次了。

【重点词条】literal 1 a: according with the letter of the scriptures b: adhering to fact or to the ordinary construction or primary meaning of a term or expression: actualc: free from exaggeration or embellishmentd: characterized by a concern mainly with facts <a very ~ man> 2: of, relating to, or expressed in letters 3: reproduced word for word: exact, verbatim <a ~ translation> -- lit.er.al.i.ty n -- lit.er.al.ness n 2literal n (1622): a small error usu. of a single letter (as in writing)

denote 1: to serve as an indication of: betoken2: to serve as an arbitrary mark for3: to make known: announce4 a: to serve as a linguistic expression of the notion of: mean b: to stand for: designate -- de.note.ment n

esoteric 1 a: designed for or understood by the specially initiated alone <a body of ~ legal doctrine --B. N. Cardozo> b: of or relating to knowledge that is restricted to a small group 2 a: limited to a small circleb: private, confidential-- es.o.ter.i.cal.ly adv

latent present and capable of becoming though not now visible, obvious, or active <a ~ infection> -- la.tent.ly adv n (1923): a fingerprint (as at the scene of a crime) that is scarcely visible but can be developed for study

incongruous a: not harmonious: incompatibleb: not conforming: disagreeingc: inconsistent within itselfd: lacking propriety: unsuitable-- in.con.gru.ous.ly adv -- in.con.gru.ous.ness n


7.【中文释义】尽管似乎天经地义的是在人口稠密的地区会有更严重的交通事故的风险,但是这样的事故更有可能 发生在人口稀少的地区。

【解题分析】上下句转折,上下句已存在densely populated areas 和sparsely populatee regions的对比,故空格应填most likely 的同义词,a正确。

【重点词条】axiomatic 1: taken for granted: self-evident 2: based on or involving an axiom or system of axioms-- ax.i.om.at.i.cal.ly adv

portentous 1: of, relating to, or constituting a portent 2: eliciting amazement or wonder: prodigious 3 a: being a grave or serious matterb: self-consciously solemn or important: pompous c: ponderously excessivesyn see ominous -- por.ten.tous.ly adv -- por.ten.tous.ness n




【解题分析】上下句转折,上句称理论是self-evidently true,故下句会反对它,认为它是false 而非true ,故选e 。

【重点词条】resignation 1 a: an act or instance of resigning something: surrender b: a formal notification of resigning 2: the quality or state of being resigned: submissiveness

regret 1 a: to mourn the loss or death of b: to miss very much 2: to be very sorry for~ vi: to experience regret -- re.gret.ter n 2regret n (1590) 1: sorrow aroused by circumstances beyond one's control or power to repair 2 a: an expression of distressing emotion (as sorrow or disappointment) b pl: a note politely declining an invitation syn see sorrow -- re.gret.ful adj -- re.gret.ful.ness n

2.【中文释义】尽管麻疹的发病率已经下降了 ,但研究者担心,消除这种疾病 过去认为很快就能实现 可能并不会马上到来。


【重点词条】decline 1 archaic: to turn from a straight course: stray 2 a: to slope downward: descend b: to bend down: droop c: to stoop to what is unworthy 3 a of a celestial body: to sink toward setting b: to draw toward a close: wane4: to tend toward an inferior state or weaker condition5: to withhold consent 6: to become less in amount~ vt 1: to give in prescribed order the grammatical forms of (a noun, pronoun, or adjective) 2 obs a: avert b: avoid 3: to cause to bend or bow downward 4 a: to refuse to undertake, undergo, engage in, or comply with b: to refuse esp. courteously-- de.clin.able adj -- de.clin.er n

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:22


resume 1: to assume or take again: reoccupy2: to return to or begin again after interruption3: to take back to oneself 4: to pick up again 5: reiterate, summarize ~ vi: to begin again something interrupted re.su.me n (1804) 1: summary 2: curriculum vitae



【解题分析】nothing--better than 为最高级结构,better than 前后并不是对比,而是相同. 后部分为耽误了寄送,所以前半部分应表现出不负责任,可选b,c,d, 再在看b,c,d的第二格选项,只有c是正确的 。

【重点词条】conscientious 1: governed by or conforming to the dictates of conscience: scrupulous <a ~ public servant> 2: meticulous, careful <a ~ listener> syn see upright -- con.sci.en.tious.ly adv -- con.sci.en.tious.ness n

inexplicable inexplicabilis, fr. in- + explicabilis explicable] (15c): incapable of being explained, interpreted, or accounted for -- in.ex.pli.ca.bil.i.ty n -- in.ex.pli.ca.ble.ness n -- in.ex.pli.ca.bly adv

justify 1 a: to prove or show to be just, right, or reasonable b (1): to show to have had a sufficient legal reason (2): to qualify (oneself) as a surety by taking oath to the ownership of sufficient property 2 a archaic: to administer justice to b archaic: absolve c: to judge, regard, or treat as righteous and worthy of salvation 3 a: to space (as lines of text) so that the lines come out even at the margin b: to make even by justifying~ vi 1 a: to show a sufficient lawful reason for an act done b: to qualify as bail or surety 2: to justify lines of text syn see maintain -- jus.ti.fi.er n


timely 1 archaic: early, soon 2: in time: opportunely2timely adj time.li.er ; -est (13c) 1: coming early or at the right time: opportune 2: appropriate or adapted to the times or the occasion <a ~ book> -- time.li.ness n



【解题分析】so simlar to her own 修辞a writing style,简化的理解就是批评自己的风格,可得答案b。

【重点词条】incongruity 1: the quality or state of being incongruous 2: something that is incongruous

compliment 1 a: an expression of esteem, respect, affection, or admiration; esp: an admiring remark b: formal and respectful recognition: honor 2 pl: best wishes: regards   2com.pli.ment vt (1735) 1: to pay a compliment to 2: to present with a token of esteem



【解题分析】transition from--to 这个短语也曾经考过,from--to 前后连接反义词,与individualism反义的是c,corporarate。

【重点词条】render 1 a: to melt down ; also: to extract by meltingb: to treat so as to convert into industrial fats and oils or fertilizer 2 a: to transmit to another: deliver b: give up, yield c: to furnish for consideration, approval, or information: as (1): to hand down (a legal judgment) (2): to agree on and report (a verdict) 3 a: to give in return or retribution b (1): give back, restore (2): reflect, echo c: to give in acknowledgment of dependence or obligation: pay d: to do (a service) for another 4 a (1): to cause to be or become: make   (2): impart b (1): to reproduce or represent by artistic or verbal means: depict (2): to give a performance of (3): to produce a copy or version of(4): to execute the motions ofc: translate 5: to direct the execution of: administer6: to apply a coat of plaster or cement directly to ~ vi: to give recompense -- ren.der.able adj -- ren.der.er n 2render n (1647): a return esp. in goods or services due from a feudal tenant to his lord

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:23


spiritual 1: of, relating to, consisting of, or affecting the spirit: incorporeal2 a: of or relating to sacred mattersb: ecclesiastical rather than lay or temporal   3: concerned with religious values 4: related or joined in spirit   5 a: of or relating to supernatural beings or phenomena b: of, relating to, or involving spiritualism: spiritualistic -- spir.i.tu.al.ly adv -- spir.i.tu.al.ness n 2spiritual n (1582) 1 pl: things of a spiritual, ecclesiastical, or religious nature 2: a religious song usu. of a deeply emotional character that was developed esp. among blacks in the southern U.S. 3 cap: any of a party of 13th and 14th century Franciscans advocating strict observance of a rule of poverty for their order



【解题分析】even前后对比,even 后为“在 动物身上检测过的效果,”even 前当然填“在人身上检测过的效果”,即答案 d。

【重点词条】controlled 1: restrained 2: regulated by law with regard to possession and use

1con.trol vt con.trolled ; con.trol.ling (15c) 1 a archaic: to check, test, or verify by evidence or experiments b: to incorporate suitable controls in <a controlled experiment> 2 a: to exercise restraining or directing influence over: regulate b: to have power over: rule c: to reduce the incidence or severity of esp. to innocuous levels   syn see conduct -- con.trol.la.bil.i.ty n -- con.trol.la.ble adj -- con.trol.ment n 2control n, often attrib (1590) 1 a: an act or instance of controlling; also: power or authority to guide or manage b: skill in the use of a tool, instrument, technique, or artistic medium c: the regulation of economic activity esp. by government directive--usu. used in pl.2: restraint, reserve 3: one that controls: as a (1): an experiment in which the subjects are treated as in a parallel experiment except for omission of the procedure or agent under test and which is used as a standard of comparison in judging experimental effects--called also control experiment (2): one (as an organism, culture, or group) that is part of a control b: a device or mechanism used to regulate or guide the operation of a machine, apparatus, or system c: an organization that directs a spaceflightd: a personality or spirit believed to actuate the utterances or performances of a spiritualist medium syn see power




【重点词条】indispensable 1: not subject to being set aside or neglected2: absolutely necessary: essential-- in.dis.pens.abil.i.ty n -- indispensable n -- in.dis.pens.able.ness n -- in.dis.pens.ably adv

ubiquitous : existing or being everywhere at the same time: constantly encountered: widespread -- ubiq.ui.tous.ly adv -- ubiq.ui.tous.ness n
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