会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20


  issue 212."If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable."
  argument 204.The following appeared as a letter to the editor of a farming publication.
  "With continuing publicity about the need for healthful diets, and with new research about the harmful effects of eating too much sugar, nationwide demand for sugar will no doubt decline. Therefore, farmers in our state should use the land on which they currently grow sugar cane to grow peanuts, a food that is rich in protein and low in sugar. Farmers in the neighboring country of Palin greatly increased their production of peanuts last year, and their total revenues from that crop were quite high."
  arg179.The following is a memorandum written by the director of personnel to the president of the Cedar Corporation. “It would be a mistake to rehire the Good-Taste Company to supply the food in our employee cafeteria next year. It is the second most expensive caterer in the city. In addition, its prices have risen in each of the last three years, and it refuses to provide meals for people on special diets. Just last month three employees complained to me that they no longer eat in the cafeteria because they find the etrong
  考试时间:2011-2-22 13:00
  Issue207. "Rituals and ceremonies help define a culture. Without them, societies or groups of people have a diminished sense of who they are." 高频

  Argument11."Two years ago, our consultants predicted that West Egg's landfill, which is used for garbage disposal, would be completely filled within five years.(8) During the past two years, however, town residents have been recycling twice as much aluminum and paper (1)as they did in previous years(2,3). Next month the amount of material recycled should further increase, since charges for garbage pickup will double(5). Furthermore, over ninety percent of the respondents to a recent survey(6) said that they would do more recycling in the future. Because of our residents' strong commitment to recycling, the available space in our landfill should last for considerably longer than predicted.(4,7)"

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:21


</p>  2011.2.22北京鼎均GRE机经
  issue 185:"Scandals—whether in politics, academia, or other areas—can be useful. They focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could."
  argument 163:The following is taken from the editorial section of the local newspaper in Rockingham. “In order to save a considerable amount of money, Rockingham's century-old town hall should be torn down and replaced by the larger and more energy-efficient building that some citizens have proposed. The old town hall is too small to comfortably accommodate the number of people who are employed by the town. In addition, it is very costly to heat the old hall in winter and cool it in summer. The new, larger building would be more energy efficient, costing less per square foot to heat and cool than the old hall. Furthermore, it would be possible to rent out some of the space in the new building, thereby generating income for the town of Rockingham."R>
  考试时间:2011年2月22日 15:00
  "Too much emphasis is placed on role models. Instead of copying others, people should learn to think and act independently and thus make the choices that are best for them."
  Argument204.The following appeared as a letter to the editor of a farming publication.
  "With continuing publicity about the need for healthful diets, and with new research about the harmful effects of eating too much sugar, nationwide demand for sugar will no doubt decline. Therefore, farmers in our state should use the land on which they currently grow sugar cane to grow peanuts, a food that is rich in protein and low in sugar. Farmers in the neighboring country of Palin greatly increased their production of peanuts last year, and their total revenues from that crop were quite high."
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查看完整版本: 2011.2.22北京鼎均GRE机经