会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20


Questions 16-19
    Four players-W, X, Y, and Z-play a series of games. In each game the four form two pairs that play against one another; one pair wins and one pair loses.
    When a pair wins or loses a game, both players are credited with the win or the loss.
    Games are played in a series in which partners are changed with each game until all possible combinations of partners have played. The series begins again repeating the combinations of partners in the same order.
    16. Which of the following is a possible sequence of partners for W?
    (A) X, Z, Y, X, Y, Z
    (B) Y, X, Z, X, Z,Y
    (C) Y, Z, X, Y, Z, X
    (D) Z, X, Y, Z, Y, X
    (E) Z, Y, X, Y, X, Zwww.Examw.com
    17. In order that all possible combinations of partners play one game each, how many games must be played?
    (A) 3
    (B) 4
    (C) 5
    (D) 6
    (E) 8
    18. If each player has won at least one game, what is the minimum number of games that must have been played?
    (A) 1
    (B) 2
    (C) 3
    (D) 4
    (E) 5
    19. At the end of the third game in the first series, which of the following must be true?
    (A) There is a player who has won two games and lost one game.
    (B) There is a player who has won all three games.
    (C) There is a player who has lost two or more games.
    (D) There are three players who have lost exactly one game each.
    (E) There are three players who have won exactly two games each.
    Questions 20-22
    A company owns exactly five delivery vans designated K, L, M, N, and O. At the end of the day, each of the vans must be parked in one of three parking lanes numbered 1, 2, and 3, which are each wide enough for just one van and long enough for all five vans. In lane 1, only vans K and L can be parked, but neither of these vans has to be parked in that lane.
    N is always parked earlier than O is parked. When parking a van, each driver enters one of the parking lanes from the rear and parks in the front most available position.
    No driver parks behind any more of the other vans than he has to at the time.
    20. Which of the following could be the parking pattern after all vans have been parked?
    (A) K in lane 1; first L, then M, the O in lane 2; N in lane 3
    (B) K in front of L in lane 1; no van in lane 2; first M, then N, then O in lane 3
    (C) K in front of L in lane 1; M in lane 2; O in front of N in lane 3
    (D) K in front of N in lane 1; L in lane 2; M in front of O in lane 3
    (E) L in front of K in lane 1; N in front of O in lane 2; M in lane 3
    21. Each of the following could be true after all of the vans have been parked EXCEPT:
    (A) K is the only van parked in lane 2.
    (B) L is the only van parked in lane 1.
    (C) L and O are both parked in lane 3.
    (D) M and N are both parked in lane 2.
    (E) M and O are parked in different lanes.
    22. If all five of the vans are parked, but none of them in lane 1, which of the following must be true?
    (A) K was parked earlier than L was.
    (B) N was parked earlier than M was.
    (C) O was the last van to be parked.
    (D) K and L were the first two vans to be parked.
    (E) M and O were the last two vans to be parked
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