会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21


 This music does not reflect the values of this society.
  This music is the very core of this degradation of our values.

  How many tricked out gang cars to you see that don't have the annoying bass rumble of Rap music vibrating out of them?

  This music is part of the persona of a whole generation of people.

  It is just as much a part of their ego as the guns, drugs, and abuse of women.

  Another medium that is shaping the values of our society is advertising.

  Advertising is everywhere, on T.V., billboards, radio, even at the ballpark.

  Through advertising some vendors can create "values".

  To illuminate my point I will use tobacco companies as an example.

  Joe Camel has convinced millions of young people that it is cool to smoke.

  The Marl boro man has done the same.

  The audience is always the same.

  These ads are targeting young people.

  They have created the "value" among children that it is ok for kids to smoke.

  Again the values of society have been changed by a powerful media.

  I'm sure there are not too many parents out there who would want their children to start smoking. Another advertising media that will surely change the values of ous society is the Internet.

  The internet is really just the world's largest commercial launched under the veil of access of useful information.

  It will be interesting to see just how this new network that has brought the world together will affect our values.

  These are just examples but I think they are effective at making my point.

  I think they serve to illistrate that the media can in fact change our values.
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