会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21


Understand before criticizing
Strictly speaking, none of us lives in the same world. Our habits, preferences, outlooks and values are as individual as our fingerprints. Each of them is shaped by our culture, our upbringing, our experience, and our choices. Speeches, books, articles, works for art, television programs, views expresses in conversation---all come from people who inhabit a different world than yours. Until we’ve lives in another person’s world for a while, it’s ineffective to dismiss her point of view.

Watch for hot spots
(hot spot: anger or discomfort when conversation shift to certain topics, such as death penalty or abortion)
To cool down your hot spots, seek out the whole world of ideas. Avoid intellectual ruts. Read magazines and books that challenge the opinions you currently hold. If you consider yourself liberal, pick up the National Review. If you are a socialist, sample the Wall Street Journal. Do the same with radio and television programs. Make a point to talk with people who differ from you in education level, race, ethnic group, or political affiliation. And to hone your thinking skills, practice defending an idea you consider outrageous.

Consider the source

Seek out alternative views

Dozens of viewpoints exist on every critical issue how to reduce crime, end world hunger, prevent war, educate our children, and countless others. In fact, few problems allow for any permanent solution. Each generation produces new answers, based on current conditions. Our research for answers is a conversation that spans centuries. On each question, many voices waiting to be heard. You can take advantage of this diversity by seeking out alternative viewpoints.

Ask questions
Stripped to this essence, critical thinking means asking and answering questions. If you want to practice this skill, get in the habit of asking powerful questions

Look for at least three answers
Using this approach can sustain honest inquiry, fuel creativity, and lead to conceptual breakthroughs.
Be prepared: The world is complicated, and critical thinking is a complex business. Some of your answers may contradict each other. Resist the temptation to have all your ideas in a neat, orderly bundle.
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