会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21


126. "Society’s external rewards are no measure of true success. True success can be measured only in relation to the goals one sets for oneself."
Success should be gauged on a personal base.
1.       Society’s external rewards can only be regarded as society’s recognition of one’s contribution to society.
2.       For an individual person, a correct attitude is to gauge success in relation to the goals one sets for oneself.
3.       Overemphasizing the social criterion of success tends to belittle the worth of an individual.

133. "The problems of modern society have led many people to complain: ’We live in terrible times.’ Yet, given the choice, no one today would prefer to live in any other time."
We live in the best time of history.
1.       Firstly, our living conditions today are superior to those of any past generations.
2.       Secondly, technologies have made it possible for men to work under much more comfortable working conditions today than before.
3.       Most of the problems troubling us today have been troubling human beings for a long time.

140. "What society has thought to be its greatest social, political, and individual achievements have often resulted in the greatest discontent."
Agree with concession:
1.       With respect to individual achievements, great achievers are by nature ambitious people and therefore tend to be dissatisfied and discontent with their accomplishments—no matter how great.
2.       Individual achievements can often result in discontent on a societal level.
3.       Turning from individual achievements to societal, including political, achievements, the extent to which great achievement have caused discontent often depends on one’s perspective.
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