会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21


238. "Conformity almost always leads to a deadening of individual creativity and energy."

1.       Whether conformity stifles individual energy depends on the individual person involved.
2.       Conformists find enhanced energy in certain corner of the business world as well, particularly in traditional service industries such as finance, accounting, insurance, legal services, and health care.
3.       In sharp contrast, other people are nonconformists by nature. For these people a highly structured, bureaucratic environment only serves to quell motivation and energy.
4.       As for whether conformity stifles individual creativity, one need only look around at the individuals whom we consider highly creative to conclude that this is indeed the case.
239. "Much of the information that people assume is ’factual’ actually turns out to be inaccurate. Thus, any piece of information referred to as a ’fact’ should be mistrusted since it may well be proven false in the future."

1.       On the one hand, we should not passively accept whatever is passed off as fact; otherwise, human knowledge would never advance.
2.       On the other hand, in certain cases undue skepticism can be counterproductive and even harmful.

240. "Although it is easy to respond positively to the work of another person or group, it is far more worthwhile to give negative feedback."
Encouragement proves more valuable than negative feedback.
1.       People may not be as good as we tell them they are, but they will try harder thereafter.
2.       Encouragement can make people happy and confident.
3.       Admittedly, honest negative feedback may help people see their weakness.

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