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[GRE写作] 历年GRE考试Issue题库分析与提纲二十二

发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
84. "In any field of endeavor, it is impossible to make a significant contribution without first being strongly influenced by past achievements within that field."  5 }3 R) ~1 a1 f* b9 c
   ( a! P% C! K( K, C
在任何物质领域中,如果不首先接受该领域中过去成就的影响就不可能会有意义重大的成功。  5 M- Y8 D( S* r2 g
: U8 x4 Q0 P6 k: GProgress in any field is based on past achievements within that field.
" H) a! M1 m! Y: R) D1.       In social sciences, the past achievements of a field are the rich sources of inspirations for formulating new theories in that field.
: W4 s4 d4 y3 r% ~3 G; R3 t2.       In natural sciences, scientists use the existing methods and equipments—the achievements of the past—to make new discoveries or inventions.
( f0 V1 C# R/ f7 R3.       Even in creative fields such as arts and literature, mastering the achievements of the past is a precondition of creating new works. ; c  @' D0 U& @* ?5 i3 P) F7 K% n
现在和过去  0 T4 J1 B: `& s' A/ P6 A2 k1 w
------------------------------  : \3 _! V( b. _
    ( j3 j7 ^: N% Y
86. "Young people should be encouraged to pursue long-term, realistic goals rather than seek immediate fame and recognition."  
7 _% r6 S- Z4 ^/ z# G$ V7 Q   2 a0 p; Y' y5 V7 |
年轻人应该被鼓励去寻求长期的现实目标而不是追求眼前的名声。  0 Z( @% I/ U! [+ q
   . B  e7 ~1 h) s. O# m2 T
1.       Seeking immediate fame and recognition would turn out to be counterproductive. : M* l: f6 r% w- V& }
2.       Unfortunately, today’s education and society seem to attach more importance to immediate success.
( F6 a5 c1 l" N3.       In the long run, pursuing long-term goals not only benefit young people themselves but also the whole society.
4 ]9 A9 x( P4 F1 E3 I5 o8 n6 I* P0 q现实和将来  3 p0 m6 X3 q' R
------------------------------  7 f" h3 L" v! q  `) ~. {
   - Q4 N" Z# _. d5 x4 }
87. "In any field of inquiry, the beginner is more likely than the expert to make important discoveries."  : A- C" }4 y; e3 K3 h6 M0 `. ^
& ^3 r, y- c" M/ C, y% u5 v4 \* j在所有的研究领域中,新手要比专家更有可能获得重要的发现。  
+ `) }$ t/ _7 r9 D  Agree
) V5 h" @7 T6 P1.       Beginners have intense curiosity about the unknown and great courage to try new things, while experienced experts tend to be more conservative. . c9 B8 s  j( ~
2.       Furthermore, beginners are highly motivated and enthusiastic people who are eager to establish their career and fame. . g* H/ e0 y7 w9 A5 e
新手和老手  ; x  ?3 W' p2 ~: P& `7 h- V6 G

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