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[GRE写作] 历年GRE考试Issue题库分析与提纲二十七

发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
148. "Many people admire idealism, but it usually leads to disappointment or trouble."  
+ r8 M% \/ G6 F7 \1 X8 K+ F   1 W( \$ d0 {3 _% }, j/ s. d
, D" H. N# {1 |! e   3 W8 Z& h9 Q# ?& N" O8 u$ p
Idealism does more harm than good to society as well as individuals.
; M+ s# p) B. L+ f- n& U' |1.       An idealist is one who, on noticing that a rose smells better a cabbage, concludes that it will also make better soup.
! W; `. _! B' \+ r9 X& I+ j+ i- ?2 V& h2.       Political idealism such as communism brought catastrophes to former socialist countries.
% e1 ~& r9 l8 f2 U: Y& g3.       Individually, idealism, if it were not balanced by pragmatism, would lead to personal failure.
" k3 {" d# F5 L9 y" g# O4.       Guided by practical plans, however, idealism can lead to hope and enthusiasm.
$ Y, l9 n# C  K' v理想和现实  
4 _4 `% n" a. s. A- w$ @. ]   
  M* z, S; |, x) f& jidealism: The act or practice of envisioning things in an ideal form.  # b& r0 u. c- Y  P
理想主义用理想的观点看待事物的行为或实践行为  $ K! t9 r  e2 M6 s& p2 c' v# c
------------------------------  * E- c- D7 V7 n- t  _1 o  _  y
  3 s" P3 q. z4 D! ]
156. "Choice is an illusion. In reality, our lives are controlled by the society in which we live."  
* M5 `: @$ O% ?   
6 a9 G& Z2 {  y+ e0 h8 ^" k选择只是一种假象。实际上,我们的生活是被我们生活其中的社会所控制的。  
/ L: b1 y) V4 x5 {' ?8 Y  
8 m. R- k5 H8 ~% y, l  a3 N% v1.       Choice is a highly practical thing that everyone is confronted with all the time.
$ Z! @( z4 G0 B! l( I7 [2.       However, not every one can tackle choice properly with much easiness.  
0 m+ C# U% h2 X  J; j3.       Society is also influenced and controlled by our way of living.
3 ~: g# r2 Y4 l% l! c6 |, `8 h类似于现有环境后有意识  " ^! V- J/ T/ I8 A2 Q
------------------------------  & H$ z% ~+ ]* V
   . \) y! N2 F: b1 p1 ]
157. "There is no such thing as purely objective observation. All observation is subjective; it is always guided by the observer’s expectations or desires."  8 j6 d3 U! `" X' b4 r& C, |* B
   ! {* J. e9 d- X; u' n% f
纯粹客观的观察是不存在的。所有的观察都是主观的;观察总是被观察者的预期或者喜好所左右的。  - w' {9 R$ K) W$ G; V; [
   $ x! ^: n0 f! \4 U3 f; ?/ V8 i  A
A.       It would be tempting to afford the speaker’s claim greater merit than it deserves. After all, our everyday experience as humans informs us that we often disagree about what we observe around us.
  g$ y6 p0 }0 U) X( uB.       However, these sorts of subjective “observations” are actually subjective “interpretations” of what we observe.
+ |( p) }9 R$ J, c* Q  l: l主观和客观之观察

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