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[GRE写作] 历年GRE考试Issue题库分析与提纲三十二

发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
206. "People are too quick to take action; instead they should stop to think of the possible consequences of what they might do."    j) N8 K0 ]) U
  i1 U- [9 U3 X! l. @$ c4 a1 \   
3 d3 F4 ?  X5 Z+ g& p- W9 TIt is always wise to think twice before you act. + M9 U; H7 `! u; S' W
1.       More haste, less speed.
0 W% }) `! x  G/ ?2 P2.       It might not be too difficult to persuade people to consider the possible impacts of their actions on themselves. 1 @! I/ x2 p# }& o
3.       People should also think of the impacts of their actions on other people. ( U  P' ]% w& |9 v9 S. ]
现在和将来之思维和行动  ' E3 l# u" p; A  V0 B( A
; a4 K# B: t/ h: E   
* Q5 G! U0 p" P% p3 Y  M208. "The way people look, dress, and act reveals their attitudes and interests. You can tell much about a society’s ideas and values by observing the appearance and behavior of its people."  1 }* y  g: u2 A. U% V' S5 U
* O3 c9 ?# ]0 X$ i# |) t$ M. c( j人们的眼神、穿着和动作都揭示了他们的态度和兴趣。你可以透过观察一个社会中人们的外貌和举止来认识该社会的理念和价值观。  
& f9 t% i/ E* M; L* Z  / {: }. X2 ]& l4 ?; L
1.       Turning first to the way people look and dress, certain aspects of the outward appearance of a culture’s people do inform us of their ideas, attitudes and values. 0 }  w: o- ?/ m. y! ~' j
2.       The habits, rituals and lifestyles of a culture often do provide accurate signals about its values.  6 j5 @$ u' m1 _  g8 t) @8 y, i
3.       Finally, the statement overlooks a crucial distinction between free societies and oppressed ones.
% `: {0 K8 h* p2 [) a以小见大  
% ~! r/ k2 ], Y! c------------------------------  
1 G( X. E0 z) Z1 L. d6 {/ ?8 S   
9 p7 A$ E  ^$ g/ O, z209. "Progress is best made through discussion among people who have contrasting points of view."  
- |( o1 h4 a7 [# o; a   1 p9 H3 r$ P( N, ^  o
; E2 }6 g# v8 t* VIn all realms of human endeavor, including the behavior and natural sciences as well as government and law, debate and disagreement form the foundation for progress. 7 j( @: J- T9 G) G7 h+ f
! q# G0 G- P. _4 V, b. [1.       Regarding the physical sciences, our scientific method is essentially a call for progress through opposition.
. J" R- J. U+ v& U% K7 _2.       The nature-nurture debate will continue to serve as a catalyst for progress across the entire social spectrum.
2 U- ]: X  }8 X3.       History informs us of the chilling effect suppression of free discourse and debate can have on progress. 6 W4 ]/ ~# O6 y) ?; P  o  S2 |" K
3 R5 [( B' n( z1 P: Y----------------------------

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