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[GRE写作] 历年GRE考试Issue题库分析与提纲六十

发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
179. "What most human beings really want to attain is not knowledge, but certainty. Gaining real knowledge requires taking risks and keeping the mind open--but most people prefer to be reassured rather than to learn the complex and often unsettling truth about anything."  
3 U+ }6 ~, c+ q* j% [, J, D& \: U   
2 v+ Y: O5 U/ ^: k3 f! j大多人真正想要得到的不是知识而是结论。获得真正的知识需要冒险和不停歇的思考----但是大多数人更愿意获得确定的答案而不是去学习复杂而不确定的真理。  & F2 k9 [4 r% A* {
' T/ r: r( O" e1.       Only after we have gained real knowledge can we be competent for a better comprehension of the world.  
* B5 _* |, S3 a2.       People’s unremitting pursuit of knowledge is not for the sake of knowledge, but largely for the sake of their settled life goals and acquiring a degree of certainty about their goals.  
( a, X% L# C$ |6 h* M" A独立思考  
, d& e$ M5 z! L' ?+ d------------------------------
& R1 `2 s8 K" O% W  
" W6 P& ]( Z8 `- U   
" Q$ ^1 n% N2 a$ W6 o180. "Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system because moral behavior cannot be legislated."  
# t$ U: X8 D  a# {: w! A) a  h3 G   ) O1 o% R( I/ Y& f
+ d+ u$ ^9 h* i4 ^/ _8 Q  P7 bI agree with this assertion insofar as it relates to constraints on certain personal freedoms. However, when it comes to the conduct of business, I think that moral behavior not only can but must be legislated for the purpose of alleviating societal problems.
9 L7 ~& N/ G# `2 m& t1.       Morality laws that impinge upon freedom of choice about our personal lives—to control what we do with and to ourselves—simply do not work in a democratic society.
% y. C, |: F( e2.       Morality laws impinging on personal freedoms are not made any more useful or effective by purporting to serve the greater good of society, because on balance their costs far outweigh their benefits. 4 f' J. n! B7 U4 v) t
3.       In sharp contrast to personal behavior, the behavior of businesses can and must be controlled through legislation. 7 F: S! d# ]% G9 [( ?9 j
3 x9 b& b; S2 G& B# j------------------------------  
8 a* k5 d, Z3 h! u0 u  ]181. "The way students and scholars interpret the materials they work with in their academic fields is more a matter of personality than of training. Different interpretations come about when people with different personalities look at exactly the same objects, facts, data, or events and see different things."  - X# ~% Q5 ?/ v! [& x
0 G) s5 l( z! m0 h- t, \学生和学者们在诠释学术研究对象时使用的方法更多的是一种个性化(因人而异)而非一种培训(模式化)。不同的诠释来自于具有不同个性的人在看待相同的目标、事实、数据或者事件的时候以及他们在看待不同事情的时候。  
; D- Z/ W  X8 Z# x: B5 h  
5 K% t: z( O6 J# ~Disagree: The key factor in their interpretation is a person’s training and educational background, rather than personality. 8 ?/ {% y3 q" \. N0 F9 I
1.       Assuming that by personality the speaker embraces such personal attributes as individual temperament, disposition and general mood, and outlook, it seems to me that personality has little bearing on how students and scholars interpret the materials with which they work.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:22 | 显示全部楼层


2.       In sharp contrast, one’s educational background and training can serve as a strong influence on how one interprets historical events involving human affairs, statistical data, and especially art. 8 |9 o" A0 }/ o! V
3.       Educational training and background also affects how students and scholars interpret seemingly objective statistical data.
- l( c# H+ m# d7 b4.       Finally, when it comes to how students and scholars interpret art, training and educational background play an especially significant role. + _1 v' l2 g' V9 w0 H9 N
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