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[GRE写作] 历年GRE考试Issue题库分析与提纲五十五

发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
219. "Now that computer technology has made possible the rapid accessing of large amounts of factual information, people are less likely than ever to think deeply or originally. They feel unable to compete with--much less contribute to--the quantity of information that is now available electronically."  
2 f# S0 t0 ~: ^( Q, c" M4 `既然电脑技术已经使人们及时接触大量真实信息成为可能,那么人们就不太可能像以前那样去深刻地或者创造性地思考了。对于通过电子手段获得的信息量,人们已经感觉跟不上了,并且个人的作用已经减弱了。  2 Q$ s# n( B, w' F" ^  T* {
   # h1 E4 Z7 ]' h; h" ~
The availability of large amounts of factual information through the Internet does not necessarily hinder people from thinking deeply or originally.
6 ?" {8 }$ `9 W1.       No one would doubt that computer technology has led us into an age of information, putting us on an unprecedented advantageous position to access and use the boundless sea of information. 5 g# g" q/ d7 d, f: t9 \
2.       And there is no denying the possibility that we suffer from a new problem—information overload. 9 S1 W; [' @0 z8 ~+ x0 o1 x1 l& A
3.       However, we should be clear that the task of human beings today is not to compete with computer technology in terms of the quantity of information we can produce
- j  c+ d3 {/ x; {( V. E; k* T4.       We should and we can make full use of the large amounts of information available electronically for research purposes and make original contributions. + ~. }7 J5 C9 @: m- I+ t: b
. Z! Q# f6 o0 T3 d" j4 y1 n  
: r  G* c. r7 y: ?% L$ ]1 ?全球化之信息  8 @: R/ t, [( u
% e" b$ z$ D# f4 V0 l1 z5 e* y1 }233. "Although innovations such as video, computers, and the Internet seem to offer schools improved methods for instructing students, these technologies all too often distract from real learning."  
, C6 q  F% `4 w+ |) h" H   
4 ?, t8 S- B5 L尽管诸如电视、电脑和互联网这样的发明似乎给学校教育提供了进步的手段,但是所有这些技术往往也是在偏离真正的学习。  5 C+ l+ Q4 ?$ _. r. [
Computer Assisted Instruction has several advantages over traditional ways of teaching. + J; B# ]' Y% p# A3 P! s
1.       First of all, the computer has the ability to accommodate individual differences in learning speed.
( R# X2 x! l/ E' E; X3 D2.       In addition, the computer provides students with a stress-free learning environment.
: K' L, v7 W) S5 f- J' V& W( B3.       A third advantage of CAI is that the computer can give a student immediate feedback. 0 u' E" Q% O: ]# S/ E+ q" x
4.       The possibility of students being distracted from learning by new teaching equipment should not be used as an excuse to prevent teachers and students from benefiting from technological progress. 3 t; c( W: m6 q! X" ]* h
   0 n  J) e; j. E: D* C! W
技术对人类的影响之多媒体教育  2 T# b* j' q+ |: A  `% O
------------------------------ , d, ~- Z& _+ e4 ]
0 Z, m( {) x; L4 \8 L- H237. "Computers and video technology can make facsimiles of original works such as paintings and historical documents available to everyone. The great advantage of this new technology is that it will enable anyone--not just scholars--to conduct in-depth research without having access to the original works."  4 r" M/ K8 o! n( r4 P

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:22 | 显示全部楼层


The speaker exaggerates the power of computers and video technology in academic research.
* ^6 v$ M9 K2 y2 K" f5 x1.       Undoubtedly, the new technology can make paintings and historical documents available to more people, thus contributing to academic research.
2 A- r2 f) K. i% T8 |$ b2.       However, not anyone can conduct in-depth research once research sources are available.
6 ^% [. ~$ v8 X; v3.       Besides, the facsimiles made by the new technology—no matter how accurate they are—can never replace the original works. * y1 K! x( L$ W0 n/ P
   ( r% L0 \1 W+ ^* r( ^4 ~5 D' r( `4 T; x- U4 g
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