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[GRE写作] 历年GRE考试Issue题库分析与提纲五十二

发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
124. "Instant foods, instant communication, faster transportation-all of these recent developments are designed to save time. Ironically, though, instead of making more leisure time available, these developments have contributed to a pace of human affairs that is more rushed and more frantic than ever before."  0 O6 X) V4 J# M, ^, f: L
   3 T8 q* ?# Q! t7 w
0 k# ~( E  x( h8 |  + d/ u& L- Z! [6 Z7 d* I- _' L
While I agree that leisure time is declining as a result of efficiencies which technology has brought about, whether the irony to which the speaker refers is real or imagined depends on what one considers to be the chief aim of technology.
2 D1 p) B0 j) b# T, z7 j3 c1 x, C  " w' n1 O  {9 g. r1 R
1.       Few would disagree that technology has enhanced the speed and efficiency with which we travel, prepare our food, plan and coordinate projects, and communicate with one another. * c2 u2 U6 [" X- B/ T5 |. T8 @
2.       What explains the irony—this decline in leisure despite increase in efficiency that new technologies have brought about? I agree that technology itself is the culprit. We use the additional free time that technology affords us not for leisure but rather for work.
  ]* u$ A8 d4 ?. N" C6 R3.       Yet there are far more vital concerns which technology seeks to address; therefore, the above-mentioned irony does not seem so ironic after all.
4 S  T" s: e' R9 O. |. k1 W技术进步之生活节奏  : C6 Y: }1 K% W' d8 Z7 S
& P: x. V, X9 v129. "Technology is a necessary but not always a positive force in modern life."  
$ T3 W! h# t3 l" K2 v. I   
" m6 r4 W" u) F: x6 C技术对于现代生活是不可或缺的,但并不总是发挥积极的作用。 1 ^) |. L1 N0 x6 ^' H
9 ~5 _5 n* Y, I4 |% b! J0 H/ }# IAgree ) p4 r, e  L: X( n0 ?* A9 B
1.       Undoubtedly, technology is the prerequisite for modern society.
7 _$ t/ B2 y+ C2.       Admittedly, some people use technology for negative or even evil purposes. . N% G# X$ b) w2 q  `
3.       In that case, it is humanity rather than technology itself that should be the culprit. . D8 j( E% w* E* f* p2 T
------------------------------ # r8 F2 g/ {8 C9 W7 w' |# u4 @
135. "While most of the environmental problems we face result from the use of technology, society must depend upon technology to find solutions to these problems."  
6 w2 u, \* u  q9 B, V8 ^' F虽然我们面临的大多数环境问题都是因为技术的使用,但是社会必须依靠技术来寻求解决的办法。  
0 F4 A" ]9 I# J   
4 t5 u* Y( x* z% |. [8 i) P/ ODepending upon technology to tackle environmental problems is an important but not sufficient solution. 8 L& Y  ^4 \7 v8 L; b
1.       The use of technology should be largely responsible for the environmental problems. $ o+ O. ?  M9 v! b7 K7 V
2.       It is true that technology will help us solve many environmental problems.
( p4 h8 t9 q' W* _3.       However, if human beings do not change their attitude toward nature, technology alone will not be able to save us. ' ?( G' t7 W& U; z1 k1 y! m3 Y% W

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