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[GRE写作] 历年GRE考试Issue题库分析与提纲五十一

发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
115. "It is through the use of logic and of precise, careful measurement that we become aware of our progress. Without such tools, we have no reference points to indicate how far we have advanced or retreated."  % a0 y% ^7 ]. e* J: z. a
4 e# k$ [) q( L4 P通过逻辑和精确仔细的衡量,我们得以明白自己的进步。如果没有这些手段,我们就没有参考来了解我们进步了多少或者退步了多少。  $ G' |, \9 n. w* ?7 d( t2 _
( A6 m! L, @: V) A9 ~' wIn certain endeavors, quantitative measurements and logical analysis of data are essential for us to determine whether and to what extent we are progressing or regressing. However, in other realms, objective data provides little guidance for determining progress.
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6 h4 _1 F/ j: W! I$ H1.       As for monitoring individual progress, the extent to which careful measurement and logical analysis of data are required depends on the specific endeavor. In the area of personal finance, objective measurements are critical.
9 y# ~3 L  h- R) B) E: F2.       In the area of one’s physical well-being, however, quantitative measurement might be useful yet insufficient. 0 x  ]% p- Q) W% L, X
3.       On a societal level, as on a personal level, the extent to which careful measurement and logic are needed to determine progress also depends on the endeavor. In macroeconomics, as in personal finance, objective measurements are critical.
/ A2 i+ S  Z0 U0 S  z4.       In contrast, socio-political progress is less susceptible to objective measurement.  
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技术进步之人类进步  2 G. P3 W4 a# z# R% D
------------------------------ 0 f  _: q6 n/ L# _
119. "When research priorities are being set for science, education, or any other area, the most important question to consider is: How many people’s lives will be improved if the results are successful?"  - a8 c. \7 w& X: p2 f+ G
8 l  _) i/ \3 B- O9 y当研究的重点被置于科学、教育或者其他领域中时,最重要的问题就是要考虑如果研究获得成功会有多少人的生活得以改善。  5 A* ], @# @8 f( p5 h1 `+ G
    M. }9 ^, ], J. A1 c: y6 r
I agree insofar as areas of research certain to result in immediate and significant benefits for society should continue to be a priority. Yet, strictly followed, the speaker’s recommendation would have a harmful chilling effect on research and new knowledge. 8 g2 t' X. `# `) h' q& s1 p
, \/ @4 d' G. y, S1.       Admittedly, scientific research whose societal benefits are immediate, predictable, and profound should continue to be a high priority.
) X- e+ |/ j" G: W2.       However, this is not to say that research whose benefits are less immediate or clear should be given lower priority. First of all, if we strictly follow the speaker’s suggestion, who would decide which areas of research are more worthwhile than others? Researchers cannot be left to decide.
2 Y; `" V- k$ C3.       Secondly, to compel all researchers to focus only on certain areas would be to force many to waste their true talents.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:22 | 显示全部楼层


4.       Thirdly, it is difficult to predict which research avenues will ultimately lead to the greatest contributions to society.
# V1 J, G0 m" K" j技术进步之改善人民生活  
! F4 u2 N2 Z: B7 H------------------------------
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