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[GRE写作] 历年GRE考试Issue题库分析与提纲四十九

发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
7. "The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records."  
* |! F3 [2 c; o! y6 o, Z+ m, @/ Q   * m7 i4 \8 I0 k' j9 _
摄像机可以通过如此精确而有力的记录手段来再现当代生活,因此它已经代替书面记录成为了一种更重要的记录手段。  - M  {  W. p% P9 L, _: z6 M
Although I agree that a video provides a more objective and accurate record of an event’s spatial aspects, there is far more to document in life than what we see and hear. Thus the speaker overstates the comparative significance of video as a documentary tool.  . V1 c8 N# ~1 ?1 {3 n( ]! V
1.       For the purpose of documenting temporal, spatial events and experiences, I agree that a video record is usually more accurate and more convincing than a written record.
6 J: u" j. w9 Y. S8 E# h2.       Nonetheless, for certain other purposes written records are more advantageous and more appropriate than video records.
/ E! N# O! ?- h  V. m5 a3.       Finally, a video record is of not use in documenting statistical or quantitative information.
: V8 k, k  e) l" g9 o记录手段:现代摄像机和印刷术  4 q+ M( i* p- c
------------------------------ ) {3 ~) \: _; T5 e: c" J( a
30. "The primary goal of technological advancement should be to increase people’s efficiency so that everyone has more leisure time."  1 h; B) y& s. a, a- m# I
   9 q+ m( E: v3 ]8 l6 S& s
技术进步的首要目标应该是提高人们的效率以便于每个人都享有更多的闲暇时光。  ) f0 e- j. I5 J1 N: @4 J0 M9 Q
     D, o$ J. q0 \: U2 L
Disagree: 6 {! I+ f+ M$ X1 s' G
1.       The chief reason for my disagreement lies in the empirical proof: with technological advancement comes diminished leisure time. 8 h* ~) F( t2 Z/ J" D/ U! M: O
2.       Meanwhile, the suggestion that technology’s chief goal should be to facilitate leisure is simply wrongheaded. There are far more vital concerns that technology can and should address.
/ |% q  o. a+ W, A# |7 r* D技术进步之空闲时刻  
4 @* G0 {; r! X------------------------------
: w7 ]. r5 [) N( \" h1 y( W66. "As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate."  6 A0 o# `" X) G: A% W+ b: n
   9 c* |. j, `0 b+ j( [9 D
- b' H8 k1 _7 u- M   
4 [6 R$ N) q5 ]: e3 E3 W4 F6 _; yTechnology is a double-edged sword that may either serve or harm human interests. $ ]! D' Q3 v6 H3 u* [
1.       On the one hand, it is possible that people may become the slaves of technology.
# z  R. z& S: Q2.       On the other hand, technology may save people’s time and energy so that they could devote themselves to more creative and meaningful work.
! M/ Q7 Z$ q' Z4 m. G/ e- t3.       Moreover, technology provides people with effective instruments for intellectual work. 5 H3 p( L5 q! N) J( O* |# W* ^; q/ s3 ?
, Q7 r) A" ~9 C# U. L8 w% j& J/ L------------------------------
0 p3 r" ~: q0 v9 ~% k69. "Government should place few, if any, restrictions on scientific research and development"  
* n; \/ y$ z; d; X5 \) R   
0 C, C# G* M) G* t; d政府应该少限制科学研究和发展。  
0 C: Z6 |' `, j2 a0 X   
# g/ D( K/ j! Y7 dDisagree 0 _3 v! s' v# _3 s# e2 B" \
1.       Without government funding, scientists would find it difficult to carry out large-scale projects. 5 N9 c8 W: _$ z/ B
2.       Government can also organize scientists to solve the most urgent problems that concern society.
; V1 Q; H) U+ n+ x" r) O3.       However, government should refrain from interfering with the freedom of scientific enquiry.
" }/ ?$ V' o, m$ |6 b$ V* C  * E( K+ Q2 L6 R, |7 W$ g

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