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[GRE写作] 历年GRE考试Issue题库分析与提纲四十二

发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
94. "Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student’s field of study because acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines is the best way to become truly educated."  & K: u4 x: J. e( e) y" q% n" t2 i
: [; Q$ ~- d7 m: z# a大学应该要求每一个学生在自己专业课外选修各种学科,因为获得各种学科的知识才是获得真正教育的最好途径。  9 `" ^& v, B" m+ R
2 b3 \* e  m+ N: SAgree : k" @5 f+ E5 Q
1.       True education amounts to far more than gaining the knowledge and ability to excel in one’s major course of study and in one’s professional career. 1 j0 b, Y9 d/ D8 L, e$ _
2.       Becoming truly educated also requires sufficient mastery of one academic area to permit a student to contribute meaningfully to society later in life.
* ]: p: j6 F0 S) ?$ W3.       Nevertheless, the call for a broad educational experience as the path to becoming truly educated comes with one important caveat—in the pursuit of true education students must be careful not to become a dilettante. $ F4 I8 V# U0 S6 ^$ A
) j# O0 J; I! p- D -----------------------
" Z- @, O# O4 _& v+ l1 g98. "Colleges and universities should offer more courses on popular music, film, advertising, and television because contemporary culture has much greater relevance for students than do arts and literature of the past."  
3 B. N& r- v4 P% M8 `; [& }1 ]8 b8 `- K   - ^% q  J3 z- d% @
. E/ V+ q. v1 w2 E9 Y   
! E5 p% {. ^. x# n: [+ E! kAgree with concession / R6 a9 B( d; B4 H4 O% v
1.       Popular culture is a mirror of society’s impulses and values.
4 b, ?! a" z' c' {2.       Knowledge of popular films, music, and art enables a person to find common ground to relate to other people, which leads to better communication between different subcultures.
/ k- P1 ^3 r, v; C2 M4 ~) f* e3.       Nevertheless, emphasizing the study of popular culture at the expense of studying classical art and literature can carry harmful consequences for students, as well as for society. : \2 J9 l2 X4 ^) f; Y" T; l
$ w! }( m" R1 e8 Z) @------------------------------
: z8 ^6 q+ e& o8 i, `. \100. "The pressure to achieve high grades in school seriously limits the quality of learning. An educational environment without grades would promote more genuine intellectual development."  
+ r0 b" K9 D* {* O! r9 W   
: h+ G4 P4 G8 b( m6 G9 S在学校获得高分的压力严重得限制了学习的质量。一个没有分数的教育环境将会促进真正的智力发展。  1 v0 t, t& @( Q  M$ f2 T
/ M% E2 K, W! U6 R" fGrade连续2次出现,这里不是学历、学位的意思,学历、学位应该是degree。    s: E3 Y3 E/ @9 `$ k" t- q' i2 B
* Y& y/ k# q8 J% d, O   
, `8 S: C  D2 JThe speaker fails to see the positive effects of the pressure exerted by exams. 3 F; J% k; y3 I- |* _4 l
1.       Admittedly, exams might exert some negative impact on students. 0 K9 C; N- _; Z3 ^8 ]4 ^& u
2.       However, competition for high grades among students could motivate students to work hard.
! n/ a. ?. N- e1 uWell-prepared exam questions could also help students review their lessons.

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