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[GRE写作] 历年GRE考试Issue题库分析与提纲四十一

发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
78. "Schools should be required to teach the essential interconnectedness of all human beings and thus help eliminate wars, cultural clashes, and other forms of conflict."  : l2 F7 a$ u  \$ @* A+ m4 i
5 {  Y# Z. R3 q0 N6 c/ d2 m学校应该被要求去教授存在于所有人之间的重要联系,这样做可以消灭战争、文化冲突和其他形式的纷争。  
6 m8 }2 Z. I$ j+ \8 Y  & C: p2 J2 c2 Y& `6 ^$ Y9 n
1.       Human beings share many common interests and values, the awareness of which would contribute to intercultural understanding and cooperation.
7 Z4 c& ^* {4 V2.       Realizing the differences between different cultures would help different peoples of the world communicate with each other more effectively.   o5 N0 T" a. f0 ~  F
3.       Considering the growing threat of cultural imperialism in this information age, it might be more urgent for schools to give more emphasis on cultural differences.
: t6 v- E! U: F/ h: G( t# L" D& `   
! U2 i6 \; @3 J' _4 v分歧和统一  
1 ~, S4 t; J: Q1 u( j-------------------------
: W! Q8 r; d. `' Q# {80. "All students should be required to take courses in the sciences, even if they have no interest in science."  " M) f. n. x; s- {( L, o& X
* |5 v1 y$ E$ [% D3 T4 |. I所有的学生都应该被要求去学习科学课程,即使他们对科学毫无兴趣。  
/ @  o: v' U  `   
6 S, |. y' U3 R- _  8 L2 U5 B0 H% i+ Q1 a
Taking courses in the sciences benefits not only students in the sciences but also students in humanities. 2 a2 v+ S+ ?8 i$ x6 _% C( P
1.       The research methods in the sciences can be applied to the studies of humanities. 4 P. g  J7 W% Y, j5 [( e( N
2.       Students of humanities and social sciences may bring fresh and constructive perspectives and viewpoints to natural science classes.
$ A2 z# d2 B: E; }/ R3.       Some knowledge of the sciences is a must for everyone living in an age in which science and technology play a dominant role.
, G( B& @8 [0 b. g现实和理想之学习与兴趣 % H+ e: F4 p% Y! N0 @+ v
( ?, {3 y/ M. O3 d- y* ^90. "College students should be encouraged to pursue subjects that interest them rather than seek programs that promise entry into the job market."  
0 J2 P3 N& l, a+ Q" ^9 ^   
& d' W7 L, T( F/ Q& K0 E大学学生应该被鼓励去学习他们感兴趣的学科而不是那些容易找工作的学科。  
' C* J9 O! Z' T: i) |. v   2 O6 r' u) S! C. @5 w4 q& w: ~0 q
8 l3 \% _  I" N) l# Y1.       Today’s parents attach too much importance to the job prospects of their children’s education.
4 H# C  g# p3 A2.       However, empirical evidence suggests that young people are more likely to succeed in a career that interests them.
& k0 M1 ?7 F" D4 _% q  u$ [/ H4 R现实和理想之兴趣
- l. s. b2 S4 m7 `6 V8 J& T' O6 g-----------------------

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