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[GRE写作] 2012新GRE考试写作技巧一

发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
' i( P/ ?, g, X8 u4 L对于任何一道issue题来说,都可以根据它的出题方式和题材进行分类。而目前的issue题库,按出题方式分类不外乎五大类(因果类,建议类,比较类,偏激类,复合类);按照题材分为七大类(教育,媒体,科技,主观客观,个体集体,艺术,社会政治)。任何一道issue题,按照出题方式分类,可以帮助我们迅速破题,按照每种类型固定的破题思路对题目进行解构,这样一来,写作提纲就可以很快完成了;按照题材分类,可以帮助我们迅速在已有的素材库中选择合适的例子作为论据,对题目进行进一步阐释。这就象在一个坐标轴上,横轴为出题方式分类,纵轴为题材分类,拿到任意一道题,只要我们迅速判断这道题属于哪种出题方式和题材,就可以在坐标轴上定位到一点。只要找到了这一点,该题的写作提纲,以及写作素材便可以立刻得到。那么,一篇issue作文也就只是把写作提纲和素材结合在一起的过程。这样,写作也就变得相当容易了。
$ o- O0 p# ]0 M& Y" N下面我们以一道题为例: www.examw.com
/ D* j% h3 ]' x- G0 O4 v* _' NIn order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach.
7 T  N+ x- C. X9 H分析:这道题按出题方式分类属于建议类(关键判断词:In order to…, should …),按照题材分类属于教育类。
* n+ i  a. U5 m: p这是根据建议类的破题思路,我们可以迅速给出该题的提纲:
- c, t* J/ ]( c( w& N' w分论点1:诚然有些专业强调与社会实践紧密联系,对于诸如会计学,新闻学,医学等专业来说,拥有在学术领域之外的相关工作经验对于教学有着直接的裨益。
$ C! u; V/ w7 m1 U# q  ~: EAdmittedly, there are certain majors that have close connections with the practical job fields. For majors such as Accounting, Journalism and Medicine, possessing job experience that could not be obtained otherwise would have direct and beneficial impacts on the teaching in the academic world. " W1 G0 X8 J8 k4 x  ]& Z; [, L( y
分论点2:但是,工作经验并不一定能提高教师的教学质量。对于一些基础学科来说,教师更重要的是对于本学科长年、持之不懈的钻研。 , x" ?3 K7 d1 u3 P- n
Nevertheless, owning working experience does not necessarily lead to the booming of teaching qualities. As to those fundamental subjects such as Theoretical Mathematics, what’s more important for the instructors is a long-time, unceasingly devotion to the academic researches. 3 T1 U$ J8 }1 Z4 n4 D" ]4 A
分论点3:即使鼓励教师在教学领域以外从事一个相关工作,也并不一定保证教学水平就能得到显著发展了,过度的强调其它相关工作的重要性也可能会占据研究者太多的时间,甚至会对其本身的教学研究产生负面影响。 转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]! q2 `# ^# U  {% T/ L( {
Researchers’ undue emphasis on the importance of relevant real-life experience may be equivalent to too much time and effort consumed, which would delay, even hamper the academic pursuit and advancement they actually are obliged to devote to.
0 Z* K$ q) y' H+ X! N  W* p结尾或分论点4:除了工作经验以外,推动高校教学发展的因素还有很多,比如充足的教学经费,完备的教学条件,开放的学术气氛等。 $ U! Q2 a7 l1 i9 N
Other than job experiences, there are numerous other factors that could enhance the academic . Q- j$ v% m' M* |. x
development at a university level. These factors could be the abundance of academic funds, fully
% m$ V! x( g/ d' {equipped facilities, open academic ambience and so on. * ?3 v' N2 U5 ~4 _

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