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[GRE写作] 历年GRE考试Issue题库分析与提纲六十五

发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
79. "Major policy decisions should always be left to politicians and other government experts, who are more informed and thus have better judgment and perspective than do members of the general public."  
* N( s3 L' p# ^3 V' \! x4 F   ( _8 ^8 R9 Y) m* @& [% {9 Y% @
主要的决策权应该全部交给政治家和其他的政府专家,他们更加见多识广并且比一般的老百姓具有更好的判断能力和洞察力。  . l" S; A" a7 y* w6 C: ?* Y+ Y
   ' R# s% {. b) C6 L
The title statement goes against the basic tenets of modern democracy. ! i) ~. ?2 ^+ E( t) h: [
1.       In some cases, politicians and other government experts might be more informed and have better judgment and perspective than do members of the general public.   x. k* C; n; r
2.       However, there is no guarantee that the politicians and experts would always put the interest of the public before their own selfish interests.
6 X+ ?: \, l1 V! y3.       Furthermore, empirical evidence also indicates that politicians and government experts do make grave mistakes that harm the interests of the public. ! \0 V/ i9 {0 m8 k8 R- l4 s
, x/ G" H8 M4 @; {8 S" t* U% u少数和多数之决策权  
5 x+ e- |$ x0 D& v------------------------------
1 {0 ]$ l2 y2 e6 p83. "Government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even though these areas are often extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people."  
! d2 r) {4 }2 ~0 L0 M) b0 a   6 t3 i7 H/ c2 B6 d
政府应该保留国家领土中公共拥有的荒凉地区,即使这些地区往往人迹罕至。  6 j: R6 `( r# d1 ~8 x) \7 {, s
' ~0 |) \% h" b4 i% S- `( sWhen our environment is under growing threat from human civilization, government should take action to preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state. 6 O2 M9 Z: S( i7 g4 D5 z
1.       Even a few people could cause serious damage to a remote wilderness area. & K- c1 e  m3 _) T: @& U
2.       The destruction of even a remote wildness area could result in unforeseeable effects on the larger environment. . g  a$ o3 {0 H
3.       Without government’s protection, even the remotest wildness area will finally disappear.   w  |/ Q% V1 ~
政府之领土  ) b% H: O' e% ?* Q
5 L% {+ M% _: X1 H7 S85. "Government funding of the arts threatens the integrity of the arts."  
% b5 e. S/ S3 u) `" J   : r- G" T( D2 a; A7 q! G' b
$ L3 S+ \9 G0 W* e4 h3 @   
! ?3 q) i1 m1 [In spite of the harm that government funding might do to the integrity of the arts, government support is still necessary for the flourishing of the arts.
3 I+ g% o6 ?9 N8 C! L1.       Admittedly, government funding might directly or indirectly influence artists’ decisions and choices. 7 J# K8 t% B, E1 _9 K* X
2.       However, history has demonstrated that government support could also contribute to the prosperity of arts.
6 \3 a  k& c( W$ f1 A. Z$ h  e3.       Furthermore, when money has come to dominate contemporary society, it is all the more imperative for government to fund arts.
0 M$ D+ L, O3 H* u+ o' }4 I& S政府之艺术

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