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[GRE写作] 新GRE考试Issue主题范文整理(45)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
新GRE考试Issue主题范文整理(45)$ Z7 ~8 Z0 V* O! C" a' m' K+ |7 f
No i disagree with recommendation becaus it is not compulsary to student to study same national curriculum until they enter college.( d# k# X) S* y
  Each and every student is own idea and family dream so,could not say like that student study the same nation curriculum until they enter college.we create a enviroment to all student are go and come in different country so we share over idea and comfortably leave with each other.
/ Q( k8 P8 {7 f& s4 g" G2 Y' z  It is very necessary to colobrate with each other we develope owr nation and different technology. We take a example of “SUNITA VILLIUM” she is a American scientist work in “NASA” basically she is a INDIAN.But she complite study in USA.www.Examw.com
2 Y$ S4 h8 N0 w' c8 }  So,it is not necessary to studay in own national Curriculum .but we devlope environment to student study with different country and devlope nation name and over parents name.
. J( D  s! J) w! F/ a/ i9 M  Also develope support position it is very advantageous for student.some time what happen student is intelligent but he/she not able to study well we develope some kind of facillity to student study well and he/she devlope over country.- V; `, P: x6 k2 J& Z. q# F  j0 D
  To conclude “A nation should not require all of its student to study the same national curriculum until they entre college.”

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