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[GRE写作] 2011年GRE考试:issue写作实例之现代社会

发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
- }* D% k1 Q9 x/ P6 I" PSo much is new and complex today that looking back for an understanding of the past provides little guidance for living in the present.
7 Y3 p, e* b+ s* I' T) c现代社会是如此的崭新和复杂以至于回首了解过去对于当代生活已经没有太大帮助了。6 {" F/ P+ L8 T- K' j
8 s- \$ L% M, \0 A& OGenerally speaking, by saying looking back we general refer to look in retrospect about history, which, as claimed by British philosopher Francis Bacon, makes men wise.Concerning about history, the speaker maintains that looking back for an understanding of the past provides little guidance for living in the present since so much is new and complex today. In my view, although the speaker‘s statement is not without support from daily experience, it misses the point of the function of history.Let me illustrate it as follows.2 X! |: v6 p5 c: k4 y4 T5 J$ A
Admittedly, during past decades we witness a great deal of changes and advance with an ever-greater speed that no any experience can serve as a panacea for any problem.It is because that the people living in the past time were not so intelligent as those living in the contemporary world, and their tunnel views can never stand comparison with our broad horizons. Thus it is reasonable to claim that looking back for an understanding of the past provides little guidance for living in the present. For example,how can we turn to history for the moral risks we face posed by cloning, if in retrospect no such a technology ever existed in the past times? And, how can we find answers about solving the psychological problems springing from increasingly fast living pace since in ancient no one would have ever imagined live in such a fast pace? So in this respect the speaker’s claim that it is of little use to look back for guidance of living in the present, since so many problems that people living in the past simply could not imagine, not to mention leave a certain solution for their future generations.

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