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[GRE写作] GRE写作指导:研究发现高跟鞋情结可遗传

发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
High heels on the beach? Katie Holmes and daughter Suri Cruise in the sand
/ f$ d" ?) Q1 m/ ^6 g) I9 D  Suri Cruise was pounding the pavement in a pair of sparkling heels, complete with lipstick and handbag, aged just three.
( h0 _2 `& r3 v8 @# N" ^  汤姆 克鲁斯之女苏瑞 克鲁斯才三岁就穿着亮晶晶的高跟鞋、涂着口红、带着手提包上街了。, u: P( p$ H9 T0 c( p+ ?
  Now research suggests that her passion for heels could be inherited from her 32-year-old mother Katie.( o2 h$ c3 q; }+ d. a7 Y. ?
  现在研究显示,她对高跟鞋的热爱可能遗传自她32岁的母亲凯蒂。6 S9 t+ W" ?! K; O* P4 h0 `
  According to Debenhams, balance, poise and choice of shoe is hereditary.
2 U% i- A1 u- R3 O; m  根据英国百货公司Debenhams的研究,平衡力和对鞋的选择都是可遗传的。
" X2 k. c& ^' c5 G  ^' {' @* C& M  Following a study into consumer trends the department store discovered striking links between a mother and daughter's fashion tastes and their ability to walk in heels.
, e% |. N7 |+ ?3 i& e4 ~1 }" S  该百货商店在一项针对消费趋势的研究中发现,母亲与女儿的时尚品味和穿高跟鞋走路的能力之间有着显著的联系。
$ F' T- Z& g* X  A total of 92 percent of those related provided matching answers when asked about their perfect choice of shoe from the colour to the style.- H" c4 g% n: x; M
4 x. x3 _3 [3 X  R  Whereas those who were unrelated produced a wide range of answers, showing greater statistical variance.
% w) c- }$ J1 |9 X8 r0 E* o  而那些没有血缘关系的人所做的回答则五花八门,统计出的结果更为多样化。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:22 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  Natelle Baddeley, head of accessories design at Debenhams, said: 'Whether it’s genetics or training in teenage years, we may never know, but it’s clear that the saying "like mother like daughter" applies to walking in heels.'2 _1 F9 v# O, O, T
  Debenhams公司饰品设计主管娜特尔 巴德利说:“我们可能无法知道这是因为基因还是青少年时期的熏陶,不过显然‘有其母必有其女’这句老话对于穿高跟鞋很适用。”2 M2 \/ y! p) C; G9 A$ I
  A number of famous mothers and daughters have been seen in similar styles, from Goldie Hawn and Kate Hudson to Carole Middleton and the Duchess of Cambridge.6 y' V+ K( I) P5 S
  许多名人妈妈和女儿的风格都很相似,不管是戈尔迪 霍恩和凯特 哈德森,还是卡罗尔 米德尔顿和剑桥公爵夫人。" ^) [. Z( S& T' k3 p  e* L
  It is still unknown if the ability to walk in high heels is down togenetics or honed through practice, but walking tests conducted as part of the research suggest that there may be a maternal link.
- g4 j2 C) \9 ~" `  穿高跟鞋走路的能力是来自基因遗传还是反复练习尚未可知,不过研究进行的走路测试显示,母女这方面的能力可能是有关联的。
% ~# i9 f. h9 y/ g* c  It highlighted that 87 percent of mothers who could stride confidently across a room in differing heel heights had daughters who could do the same.+ b: ~# K' I3 O9 O; d- ?" H9 u, D
  该测试的结果突出表明,那些能够自信地穿着不同高度的高跟鞋大步走过房间的母亲,她们的女儿有87%的人也能这么做。+ y5 M# }+ u; O6 C! E
  However, mothers with limited heel height skills had passed this deficit onto their offspring.% X7 t6 x0 g+ ]- E: V
  不过,那些不太善于穿高跟鞋走路的母亲也会把这一劣势遗传给她们的后代。8 h# f, L" P$ D. U/ F
  Miss Baddeley added: 'The correlation was striking. We could almost pick out who were mother and daughter in a crowd just by the similarities as they walked in high heels.
  k) N) c9 H1 t  巴德利补充道:“这一关联性很显著。我们几乎单凭穿高跟鞋走路的相似性就能从人群中辨认出谁是母女。
" e/ y( }. F9 s  B: O. ^+ e5 {  'Even though we now know that a link exists, we still don’t know what causes it.1 i+ R# R8 s8 |
  “尽管我们现在知道存在着某种联系,但我们仍然不知道导致这一联系的原因。/ V" v4 L6 u- w( a: F( v6 H
  'Is it genetics? Or do young girls become accustomed to and copy their mother’s tastes in shoes simply by wearing them during “dressing up” as a child?'4 l% V0 g' k- S) I& S
# g8 i& F4 e) z- q9 @  With Victoria Beckham's widely-publicised penchantfor sky-high footwear, we can't wait to see Harper Seven's style evolve.' v9 Z6 Y. ~8 E) B0 u
  众人皆知贝嫂对超高跟鞋有着强烈的嗜好,我们倒是很想知道她的女儿哈珀 赛雯以后的穿鞋品味会是怎样。
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