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[GRE写作] gre写作辅导:全球化

发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  以下是gre考试写作部分issue的优秀写作实例,通过这些优秀范文或是习作,考生可以借鉴里面的短语、句子或思路,给自己的写作找一些思路和灵感。6 _# M. y6 Z6 p6 M4 H1 X" e
  题目:. k  u& \! n& y( ~
  With the growth of global networks in such areas as economics and communication, there is no doubt that every aspect of the society -- including education, politics, the arts and the sciences -- will benefit greatly from international influences.
- }8 V/ N* ?7 [* b) j1 A  随着全球网络在经济和通讯等领域中的发展,毫无疑问,社会的各个领域——包括教育、政治、、艺术和科学——都会从国际影响中获益匪浅。
% v( u. f* g2 l, x+ |. \  正文:
( p8 ?& N! q$ w- c1 [- N  I fundamentally agree with the contention in the title statement that, with the growth of global network in many areas, every aspect will benefit from international influences more or less. However, the continually appearing harmful byproducts of globalization,though maybe not so disturbing right now, calls for a more comprehensive and balanced view in which the positive and negative influences are both considered.' h* Y' y1 X2 G# Y
  Admittedly, globalization is a process leading to improving productivity in increasing national welfare in every country who participates in it. As David Ricardo, one of the most important economist of the Classical Political Economics, brilliantly illustrated as the famous Law of Comparative Advantage, "Even if one nation is less efficient than other countries in every commodities, there is still a basis for mutually beneficial trade,when every nation keep producing commodity in which its comparative advantage (presenting as comparative price in a monetary society) is greater and exchange with other countries for other products." Nowadays, not only has this principle been proved right in economic area, but in culture, politics, education and social spheres, it becomes a fundamental rule and primary notion based on which the policies are established. Thus the idea is widely accepted that material progress and well-being of one country will do good to that of others.) Y( B) ]: i9 C" N9 s$ ^" }6 T
  However, when we enjoy the advantages of the globalization, there are still many disconcerting phenomenon along with this process. First of all, more and more multinationals from developed countries locate their manufacturing departments, which produce much pollution, in developing countries like Thailand, Vietnam and China, while leave their Research&Development sectors at home for some cost-saving reasons. But this aggregates the environmental deterioration and industry structure laggard in the developing countries. In other words, people in these countries will suffer the potential dangers from international influences.
) p& L& X: X5 v# l( N  In addition, too rapid globalization help deracinate some cultures in powerless position.As an example, in China, fewer and fewer children and youth are interested in the Chinese Opera, not to say take it as a career. Their most favorite singers are Branny Spears and Robby Williams who are popular all over the world. But, can you simply conclude that R&B and Rap music is of more values to the young people in China than the Chinese Opera that has a history of over 2000 years? Actually, though energy- and time-consuming, it is one of the most important responsibilities, as a member of the society, to protect those ancient cultures from being bogged down in the Sargasso sea of modern culture when we keep on with the globalization.
. C/ ?' @3 M  V; w  Finally, the loss of intelligence is another dilemma confronted by developing countries in these days. Whether supported by national scholarship or self-financed, many students from these countries maintain a further education in western countries.Nevertheless, when they find satisfying job opportunities, they will probably not go back and work for their motherland. Unfortunately, this part of students is always among the most intelligent human resources of the country, who are supposed to be the main force to construct the country. This kind of destruction to a society can even not be measured by money.2 ^/ V& j: [0 M+ ]* G% S  `) c% E% O
  To sum up, without a open attitude to the world, a nation becomes myopic and eventually inefficient. Without considering the negative influences brought by the process of globalization, nations, especially the developing countries, will suffer from the latent destructions sooner or later. Though we may not accuse globalization for all the harms, it is advisable for everyone to pay our attention to it and do our best to constrain the bad effects to the least. Otherwise, it is unprofitable to choose construct the global networks, not only to us, but to our descendants.

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