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[GRE数学] GRE数学辅导:最新gre猴哥数学难题解析(一)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  下面为大家总结了最新的gre猴哥数学难题。有很多gre考生对gre数学考试十分苦恼,其实最有效的方法就是多练习,把数学基础知识记牢,这样才能在考试中对答如流。而gre数学考试中也会出现一些难题,想拿高分也十分不容易。! {) W7 M1 S7 v' W+ x) V9 X/ m0 v
  1.Sixty-eight people are sitting in 20 cars and each car contains at most 4 people. What is the maximum possible number of cars that could contain exactly 1 of the 68 people?- |* f# H2 S  m- I
  A.2    B.3    C.4    D.8    E.12
2 o7 Q4 v; M$ t  c' r  2.if n is any prime number greater than 2, which of the following cannot be a prime number?
3 Q6 Z- d! {9 D! g! S% L& l  A.n-4    B.n-3    C.n-1    D.n+2    E.n+5% w  E. M; H9 d# X0 M; b( u
  3.In 1988 Mr. Smith’s annual income was greater than Mrs. Smith’s annual income. In 1989 Mr. Smith’s annual income decreased by p percent, whereas Mrs. Smith’s annual income increased by p percent. (p>0)8 [9 w( A( W7 d
  Column A: Mr. and Mrs. Smith’s combined annual income in 1988$ O  P4 c3 e$ l
  Column B: Mr. and Mrs. Smith’s combined annual income in 1989
2 @1 y+ a' i" \! d7 B  4.How many integers between 101 and 201 are equal to the square of some integer?
' j" Z; K' d2 l. i  A. Two    B. Three    C. Four    D. Five    E. Six  H: P' L1 v( }* a+ w3 p
  5. The price of a certain stock was 12*1/2 dollars per share.8 G* o. m5 h8 j( K
      The price increased x percent to 15*5/8 dollars per share.. x2 [2 Z$ W3 _7 D, A1 t, K
  Column A: x
2 T) v, a% D2 s3 I. k& J; r  Column B: 20& H$ {% g2 k3 |" O0 k! V4 M6 E( _
  6. The “reflection” of a positive integer is obtained by reversing its digits. For example, 321 is the reflection of 123. The difference between a five-digit integer and its reflection must be divisible by which of the following?9 S5 N) V* a4 |; p' I( d
  A.2    B.4    C.5    D.6    E.97 ?0 K9 q$ @# h
  7. Column A: 1/(1-0.03)
4 r0 ~3 v' r7 l& [      Column B: 1.03
' p  A* p' H* Z+ d; N  X  8.The original value of machine X is V dollars, while the original value of machine Y is 2V dollars. Both machines depreciate in value at a constant rate of 10 percent of their original value per year.
& y) y) o2 S3 q" H4 a" B% |/ U5 X  Column A: The value of machine X after 3 years
5 B3 B7 m( |3 i  Column B: The value of machine X after 6 years- G6 f; V2 r8 P( M, n8 G- R! c
  9. If n is an odd integer, which of the following is the square of the next larger odd integer?# u. r& p$ X8 J
  A. n*n+1    B. n*n+4    C. n*n+2n+1    D. n*n+4n+1    E.n*n+n+1
* w! u; o: F! \3 j! {  10. If 55 percent of a group of people have brown hair and 80 percent of the same group do not have red hair, what fraction of those who do not have brown hair red hair?
3 S9 j- B, g3 S+ @  A. 1/4    B.4/11    C.4/9    D.5/9    E.4/5
1 Z% K" s9 H% b4 A" ]! X  最新的gre猴哥数学难题中有很多gre数学考试中常见的难题,而且难题涉及的范围也比较广泛,考生在复习时一定要多注意日常的练习和积累。

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