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[GRE数学] GRE数学辅导:最新gre猴哥数学难题解析(十一)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
* V8 h! p% i7 A1 L  101.
& }: z7 W& _* i) x  W1 i" w7 l
2 q$ U/ O1 }+ {6 p: r5 a  Column A: The length of line segment BC' E8 F8 W; ?+ P: D
  Column B: √32 A( r! Q( K; P) {5 Y7 ~  W, @
  102. Diane completed each of her exercise sets in 25 seconds and rested for 55 second between the exercise sets. What is the ratio of the amount of time she rested between the sets?
% P5 `1 x2 q( z' z  A. 5:6   B.5:11   C.6:11  D.11:5  E.11:6/ O0 J" W6 G3 P: _: a1 n
  103. If n is an integer, then the units digit of  n2 cannot be____
: T. q7 i* P2 l* i: o. X" E  A.0  B.2  C.4  D.5  E.6% f3 X# E8 C: B9 |# ^4 \7 o+ Y
  104. The decorating committee for a dance plans to fringe the 3-inch-wide end of a streamer by making small cuts every 1/16 inch. How many cuts must be made to fringe the end?9 x4 u$ s, b, }* P& Y
  A.45  B.46  C.47  D.48  E.49中华考试网
- X) r( |& Z6 f: q- H. x  105. What is the greatest number of the companies surveyed that could have offered both the compressed workweek option and the work-at-home option?/ D9 s/ K4 E% r7 n& @  j

/ Y6 y- w9 ?+ A% f  A.12  B.22  C.27  D.39  E.66
1 f# Y3 x" a$ @1 n8 O% O9 A  106. If 1/5 of the companies with fewer than 500 employees and 1/10 of those with more than 1,000 employees offered the job-sharing option, what fraction of the companies with 500-1,000 employees offered this option?5 c* o+ o7 W/ m3 D
" f" o( z  k1 q- f1 s
  A.1/20  B.1/10  C.4/25  D.1/5  E.7/25

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