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[GRE数学] gre数学辅导:基本概念及实例解析(3)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9 V3 T/ S, V1 z+ g3 @  数学各个数位的表达. @3 Q" {" y* [# j
( b6 j0 c% }1 m  }  个位以上的其他整数数位:基数词+S2 |5 q5 h8 w0 V4 I9 L9 |: ^1 ^+ |
  例如:十位 tens
7 K! }: q# s, b$ ]: n: w  小数位:序数词+S
# t0 F# @' X6 E5 e8 E& o0 E  例如:十分位 tenths, Z! w# m2 Z* @- `4 T* @
  例题:A worker numbered the pages of a book, with 1 on the first page. In numbering the page, he printed a total of 63 digits.
- a4 c7 B" E  m5 A5 ~- M2 S" }  A. the number of pages in the book2 p  i' \, d0 J: V- Y+ O2 s7 |) R3 l
  B. 37
- c) n1 h) \' v! o  小数decimals8 q2 ?! {2 U$ V% T- w# f' q3 j
  repeating decimals 循环小数
& |) ~. s) P( b# F0 X* r# l% t4 a  terminating decimals 有限小数
' c4 o+ L3 P/ N% i, @/ l, y  round to the nearest(tenths)
7 O) K% Q7 b4 x$ r* S  四舍五入(至十分位)
6 F9 t1 }- V9 B: T7 q- \: C) C3 v  分数 fractions
7 k/ Z. u' K$ h% @5 v/ p0 o# z  fractions=numerator(分子)/denominator(分母)- }+ F% D8 m: f  i
  The least common denominator 最小公分母! b2 z0 H* K4 [8 h, a5 U
  集合 set4 \! m/ b+ D. q* h/ l; x
  例题.If 75 percent of a class are members of club A, 55 percent are members of club B, and 20 percent are not members of either club A or B, what percent are members of both A and B?
* e% ?( d. \* }, d/ ?; B+ `8 v  A.10%
2 Y4 a3 v1 o/ ?. B( g  B.20%
; P  b* F8 Y! p" G. Y' v) ]4 R: ^  C.30%0 ~/ y" E# a% Y+ @$ |! A
; O* {+ t  t, s' c- H2 H( R* U9 t' a  E.60%
& z. n0 B; \' c4 H$ }) r7 R6 A. c1 C  数列sequence/progression% {; H4 ?7 M: I7 y- \
  等差数列:arithmetic sequence
8 `7 O4 j  C- q2 m" |# y; ^& V  等比数列:geometric sequence
- a  X" C* g3 N/ a* b  等差数列前N项求和:
3 ~/ z8 b, H* t8 [' s. c& t  (首项+末项)x项数/2
) p' }, z. L! p) T  有穷数列:finite sequence5 Z% {, r5 c& S  m
  无穷数列:infinite sequence
2 p! n3 v5 w/ W3 y: P  平时,gre考生一定要注意gre数学基本概念的加强理解,因为无论gre数学考试怎样的题目都是从最基本的概念中演变而来的。

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