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[GRE数学] gre数学辅导:基本概念及实例解析(6)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  gre数学考试在新gre考试当中增加了一些难度,但是gre考生也不要太紧张,只要把一些gre数学基本概念掌握好,解题时就一定能轻松应对。3 i( ?% @! `% |9 z
9 m) ]5 ~2 l& P4 p  H" t2 M  排列数公式和组合数公式:
# t" U3 q  n1 ~8 j% g' _    乘法原理:" `- P# v: w. b# p9 J
) r; H- [+ c- u- R  例题.If all of the room numbers in a certain hotel must be even numbers, and if each of the numbers uses all four of the digits 3,4,5 and 8, what is the greatest number of four-digit numbers that the hotel can have?( A8 g' c, `: Q. @: _
  例题.What is the total number of different 4-digit integers in which the units’ digit is an odd integer while the thousands’ digit is an even integer?
. h4 o+ f" U+ g- p, M2 B  例题.What is the total number of different 5-digit numbers that contain all of the digits 1,2,3,4, and 5 and/ v  u6 f6 @7 L5 U9 Q
  1) in which none of the odd digits occur next to each other?: R$ g! ?& l$ b; j
  2) in which none of the even digits occur next to each other?
. h" D9 [0 H* K" j4 r" _- t  平时,gre考生一定要注意gre数学基本概念的加强理解,因为无论gre数学考试怎样的题目都是从最基本的概念中演变而来的。

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