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[GRE数学] gre数学考试关于算术的重点试题(4)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
31.The number of different prime factors of 48
( Y, K6 ^! b: @    The number of different prime factors of 727 m/ N/ Q5 G& U, e$ i
+ p8 r. Z7 \- g3 M6 \7 z8 g    32.The number of different positive divisors of 12
  g' h9 @- M! y0 B. h9 B1 v; P% V    The number of different positive divisors of 50# N. w) l( F5 ?3 V
7 y+ c7 y8 ^9 [* e( k( O    33.The number that is as much greater than 63 as it is less than 101
  f: X) O3 f# m0 R    答案:B
1 K; V2 q0 e5 ?- y. \$ N    34. A K-number is a positive integer with the special property that 3 times its units‘ digit is equal to 2 times its tens’digit.- _' I: s7 T2 E
    The number of K-numbers between 10 and 99
( T5 R3 `0 l6 z7 i4 V: u# V% E    答案:C7 Y+ |1 ?& l1 N0 `2 E& c" T( [: B( T
    35.Of the following which is greatest?  [$ g! s+ X4 F, U5 R3 _0 Z2 w1 K+ n
. M; V+ f9 D1 U& t) |' P) q6 e    B.7/15- \8 t- Y: T8 _1 J; S+ m
    C.49/1003 `; ~/ o4 l* x, I* ]5 G* {& V. C! k
3 z; c2 ^0 R' ]1 V# [% t    E.1999/4000
. ~( q* O! T5 [# L/ ^; P$ h& h1 d& ]0 c) t

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:18 | 显示全部楼层


</p>    36.If n=pqr, where p,q, and r are three different positive prime numbers, how many different positive divisors does n have, including 1 and n?2 k" H2 S2 q* l! V" b+ O- a
    A.3* Z# p4 ?+ C* d0 m5 B1 p- v4 H
    B.5$ ]% M! w, b& q, {, O
    C.6* \; n# Z* `2 O
% X% m) ]. q- V- L2 A3 {1 W* b6 ?    E.8( ~7 g, n/ R. N2 [4 \0 p
& m5 A0 k: H7 i    37.11*13*17*19*23, o  E* A1 k- ^; T) j4 b2 L) [
    A decrease of 1 in which of the factors above would result in the greatest decrease in the product?
7 [7 V3 c* w5 ^  r    A.11
5 F, b3 k3 }; }; K7 D4 p) B    B.13$ \! s. N2 ^! T1 V
    C.17( j8 c, X! k$ x
    D.191 J! a2 p/ B& h: Q; J
    E.233 t0 d: Y! Q0 Y
: D. f- X4 X7 ^    38.Which of the following numbers is not the sum of three consecutive odd integers?9 x& h& N! f  ?" O3 Y" `
    A.15* z$ i7 G2 w- U6 F: m
    B.75( R1 s5 d0 l: z
% H0 }/ r0 \7 C, _6 m    D.297
! n: V9 O2 P' f8 C  @" ~$ s) @    E.313
1 Z* ~/ r& W4 z2 J. s    答案:E4 M4 @: I) s4 e$ a
    39.A dresser drawer contains 15 garments. If 40 percent of those garments are blouses, how many are not blouses?& ]4 v9 P/ N" A$ d3 \. X1 A, _, I9 Y
. Q) F7 P* v7 d2 c# J' r    B.8
/ r$ M4 f' q3 Y. h& s; `& v    C.9
3 k' a2 Z6 h8 y+ E& ^9 W7 v" s, t  h    D.10
" C$ @5 \% Q) U+ h; s    E.124 P) @  e! I# w
    答案:C7 S$ i6 @8 V* s( s
    40.If a certain company purchased its computer terminals for a total of $540,400 and each of the terminals was purchased for $350, how many terminals did the company purchase?
3 @9 x# |- ~, h( T, F9 W: p    A.1,624
0 v3 q/ `2 j0 W& ]4 [# l) f! [1 P' A    B.1,544# p9 |: G3 z5 C  ]% h4 h& D
  p' C* E/ u% {4 x/ n    D.1,384
2 ]9 M' u4 ]; d1 d    E.1,264
8 d. H  Y$ ?7 a% Y' v$ a, a    答案:B
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