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[GRE数学] gre数学考试关于算术的重点试题(5)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
41.At College C there are from 2 to 4 introductory philosophy classes each semester, and each of these classes has from 20 to 30 students enrolled. If one semester 10 percent of the students enrolled in introductory philosophy failed, what is the greatest possible number who failed?
: n& S" D+ ^, j+ N7 }    A.129 [- o5 ^$ r$ y, Y4 o
    B.10+ ~$ o4 y9 D) J8 l
& W# C* M6 S8 D+ |    D.69 z' `" N1 u1 P. @6 L/ S1 x; }# m
    E.3# f$ o7 A9 U3 L3 m- m$ Z
    答案:A* T2 y3 s7 m2 a6 R; Q2 T
    42.In each of the years 1983 and 1984, the total number of automobiles sold in the United States was 1.2 million more than in the previous year.
: c" ]. q$ H* w+ L" V    Percent increase in the number of automobiles sold in 1983 over 1982  M' @5 @+ r  L9 C2 C6 l
    Percent increase in the number of automobiles sold in 1984 over 1983
/ }" Q! A% S0 I7 X% H& J1 [    答案:A6 }8 R1 ?$ C, N) w% M1 h, A3 E
    43.A school district has 1989 computers, which is approximately one computer for every 68.6 students. Of the following, which is the closest approximation, in thousands, of the number of students in the school district?
. q8 `* f) j) U& l& s+ m    A.30
4 ^) d; k6 B  A5 A+ @, t8 d    B.120: m) V2 @9 I; Q/ `' @8 V* c
    C.140  g4 W0 G$ ?' |6 ?
    D.160" c$ E. e; l. d6 N) b
    E.200  X6 h7 s5 Z* o7 @6 V9 W7 p
& D- U, ~# r' G; S& _+ N! r    44.If the sum of five consecutive even integers is 70, what is the value of the greatest of the five integers.! B8 N- O; H( R1 R; r
# ^, d) p6 J0 M" J1 {7 G, D+ _$ m: H    B.14
8 s* W4 a: R0 m! c0 y3 {8 ^5 R! o    C.181 S8 R  H! I" B/ q
    D.20/ K4 a3 j8 P- S
    E.228 i# x4 r; }) `3 Y* @
! ]8 V# Y6 n, ]9 n) f& _. T    45.The sum of the first 50 positive integers is 1275. What is the sum of the integers from 51 to 100, inclusive?
" r6 }( K7 b( l( ~; F    A.2525
8 C5 h+ |/ \5 g- L' o    B.2550( T& s# E0 X* Z5 w. M
    C.325% \5 N$ k  @' t6 i6 u# p. V
8 o% F$ D# K0 W, |    E.50507 S- E5 O$ S; z+ R
* T3 p- t# S% e

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:18 | 显示全部楼层


</p>    46.The numbers in a table are arranged in 10 rows and 4 columns such that one number is placed at the intersection of each row and column. How many numbers are contained in the table、
% Z- K3 Q' }* C9 p+ \5 i    A.14
. _' X" g# y) p! ]% p& v    B.40
/ J" G7 _: ^/ n  Z6 P) ^' U    C.400
0 v( W  P, }3 w$ _: b  y+ n    D.1043 d. @2 D6 u, L$ h
    E.4104 l" E; y- ?- r
    答案:B1 _/ h) a9 [9 }
    47.In how many of the integers between 1 and 100 does the digit 5 occur exactly once?
$ X, p# k- @5 C: a% b    A.10  X1 |4 g6 ]& @; N3 D. I# s
    B.181 m+ _+ _) e3 i) R# T; e# T2 X
6 o+ C  x+ |0 Y+ y; x    D.20/ v6 g. b+ D9 R% e# b( G) s9 h
    E.21: n  u1 C( h& @* ~9 Y. s
    答案:B! w0 P: s1 F* [9 R
    48.If n is any prime number greater than 2, which of the following cannot be a prime number?
# a+ e7 J# A  {% n% ?& R/ ]    A.n-46 t/ \% X- m/ Z6 C7 u- N& H7 L1 K
    B.n-35 Y% [3 V4 E/ @2 l; P% P' C
/ g1 ]3 E7 O( \: h" z* \4 D4 C1 ]6 ?    D.n+2
$ R5 Q  Z3 U1 I: D    E.n+5, }% s, G  x* G, k2 ^: |& {
! s0 V% c- H" W  z9 D+ S% f& O    49.If the range of the six measurements 140, 125, 180, 110, 165, and x is 80, which of the following could be the value of x?/ f2 Q7 R8 R8 {$ L4 u* M9 B4 m- T
+ `: Q# |9 k1 _6 X# S' f    B.85
3 c  s: s* g- f- v    C.1901 l' J$ m9 m( }* e5 A% M9 a" }
/ }4 ~9 l# j6 r8 e) E% m    E.245
; ~! U2 R8 `( P8 ]% e  S9 u2 t% F    答案:C2 f' x& P; p, o0 ^
    50.The 10 households on a certain street have household incomes that range from $34,000 to $150,000 and an average (arithmetic mean) household income of $60,000. If the household with the highest income and the one with the lowest income are excluded. What is the average household income for the remaining 8 households?
. X2 ^! n: P! [; l2 j2 V7 m    A.$41,600  M2 i$ ~2 s0 D# h# C
    B. $47,000' f2 J: t, t2 x4 _) j9 K* N
    C. $52,000; F+ V0 S6 q9 t) ]( n
    D. $61,000% R; p$ \5 ^4 Q8 e! N. G& I$ {
    E. $75,000  D8 a* P1 A" T/ o, U* ~" {4 _, k. x
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