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[GRE数学] gre数学数据解释题型重点试题(四)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2 v, Q2 D/ x8 z   The graph above shows how a sample of 10 different voters (vertical axis) voted for 5 different candidates (horizontal axis). Each voter voted for either one or two of the five candidates(No voter voted twice for the same candidate).The two candidates receiving the most votes were the winners. The sample constituted 5 percent of those in the district who voted, and the number of votes in the district for each candidate was in the same proportion as the number of votes in the sample for each candidate.; L+ Q: ^* ]$ ~" A
2 t, ~3 U: z0 [
 1.What fraction of the total number of votes cast did the two winners receive?4 y# L$ k) x5 Y. z4 g8 e6 K
8 h# n% b& Q7 {1 J* U' k  B.11/22
3 \/ f% h* ~$ H% U  C.1/2
/ [3 U& ~& o8 x% Z  @! Y0 |  D.1/3$ T: K' i; n! h' i  q0 Z; L: a
  E.3/10: g% u* ^$ J3 \6 j# j

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:18 | 显示全部楼层


  2.What percent of the sample voted for at least one of the two winners?
- r& t  l8 C/ Q# \4 E: [. z  A.11%
4 j2 R2 a5 e; U9 a  B.20%
' K, h1 P! s4 ~6 p, V" D# |: H  C.55%
5 f/ E6 S/ Z  f" [. m0 \9 o  D.61%6 w7 ?; T5 A: n  U5 }7 |
  E.90%4 q3 R' ]6 ?: {+ l" V* i, o1 G
  答案:E: H1 k2 U8 ~+ j+ Q
  3.How many votes were cast in district X ?
( v5 i1 s6 U2 @' A) N5 y% Q  A.18
3 f3 e5 p. }1 `% @$ O% g8 L( Y5 N1 ]# z  B.90
3 L& R- Y4 z9 F. E4 h* L  C.200& W4 ^' y2 X0 S* J
  D.3600 H; A  U8 I3 u, V" ?
  E.4009 M$ }1 `5 r8 h  K$ l1 ^0 V
  答案:D1 X- t8 t6 h! Z9 q5 }) O! ~1 B
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