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[GRE数学] gre数学数据解释题型重点试题(六)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
考生如果觉得复习gre数学考试比较难不妨从这些题目练习开始,每篇都是按照分类给大家列举了一些典型题目,本篇主要是针对gre数学考试数据解释题型方面的典型题目及答案,希望对大家的复习有所帮助。- D8 o' f4 _/ U  y; S( J- v: }
& b% Z4 }% i* C  A
表头题目:上周市场X中的出纳员的总工作小时数及其每小时的工资。* ~% w' D1 O- @$ g9 P
  注:上周任何时候工作的出纳员的人数都不会超过2人,每个出纳员同一天工作都不超过12小时,且每天出纳员的工作都是持续不断的。* y* M* c7 K- x
  1.On Saturday of last week, Market X was open for 15 hours and exactly four cashiers worked.What was the greatest possible amount that the market could have paid in cashiers'wages for that day?
/ M1 R: K% X) W8 ?# P8 V  A.$132.00
0 W% S, \  R4 X% Y% Y: a  B.$157.50
9 D4 i$ z; [$ |: O) N* {5 X6 b  C.$161.25
# w. Y% i/ a* n$ Z  D.$163.00
4 x; A0 b: M; a* S, n3 F  E.$165.00
- I% a3 N" v: F/ }2 G' ]  答案:C

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:18 | 显示全部楼层


  2.If Market X is open 96 hours per week, for how many hours last week were two cashiers working at the same time?
/ F9 F9 B7 a5 d4 Y+ H  A.49
/ y, Z) |. [5 `: ]& y& H6 q9 G  B.48
$ q$ N2 _  n. P8 R9 |1 L  C.36# ?/ f7 B, u! P* H' |% l+ Q6 H. n+ y1 E0 k
  D.245 c- h! O' e) }- L+ r
  E.12( n' q7 B# M& O% Q$ w) W
) C; V' D: _6 i2 }7 T" T2 Y* J   3.If Cashier S's hourly wage were to increase by 10 percent and S's weekly hours were to decrease by 10 percent from last week's total hours, what would be the change, if any, in S's total weekly wage?/ S$ y# O1 R1 L! y( N
  A.An increase of $1.3
$ m8 u- D, l* ~/ L  B.An increase of $0.55
) B' p9 a) u6 v! s. u" L  C.No change
$ }/ t' b0 t0 i! b5 I  D.A decrease of $0.55
4 n0 k' z1 g% a0 d  E.A decrease of $1.37
& Y9 X2 @: h6 f+ ]5 v  答案:E
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