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[GRE数学] gre数学考试关于几何的重点试题(三)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  21.In the figure above, if ABCD is a parallelogram with A at the origin, what are the coordinates of C?; c, J  V1 Z8 t( S: \0 O
8 }, U3 V7 k* G+ |- e, Y) {& [7 M6 L
  A.(6,5)6 f' Y3 i5 |2 z$ `8 y
  B.(6,6)% ~* x4 b! f7 y) J
  C.(7,4)/ h/ O9 p$ L, P* }5 n2 V8 x( h
! M  f) O8 Y6 h, T& L( @: ?  E.(8,6)2 `4 q6 Y' ~! }! q' m2 }
9 C% A2 N( e- U3 G, h+ N   22.What fraction of a cubic meter is the volume of a cubic block of stone with edge of length 10 centimeters?(1 meter=100centimeters)
9 T4 m8 F! |+ w: `, j  A.3/10
( z$ U8 ~1 Z9 p+ `; a  B.1/101 ?; @! m1 P. C2 N$ T$ W
0 @$ t# Y6 o' b( _# k0 R  D.1/100
3 j$ I; }4 g- `! b* ]  E.1/1000
4 K1 g7 `8 t, I& X  z& `9 I  U  答案:E
$ U- r; T; S/ Q1 m5 [- L* f7 u3 U   23.In the rectangular coordinate system above, for how many of the points that lie inside or on the boundary of the shaded region are both coordinates integers?  L: ^  p: k/ r  s- h
5 g6 c( j4 G+ @3 ^6 K. K* |- T
. D0 C/ e) v: T: a# [4 g! q  B.seven
- C5 x# n/ `7 ?" G  C.eight
( ^/ z0 n) i" D8 n" w; F  D.nine
, Z  |8 B+ k" S2 c. _  E.ten8 v! k& N7 K! K) j( g

0 w( R# Y+ Y& w  答案:E

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:18 | 显示全部楼层


</p>   24. A rectangular tabletop consists of a piece of laminated wood bordered by a thin metal strip along its four edges. The surface area of the tabletop if x square feet, and the total length of the strip before it was attached was x feet. If the tabletop is 3 feet wide, what is its approximate length, in feet?
6 v; R1 }9 Q: _! d) X  A.12% F9 J" W% P/ ~& a( O) F( d1 [* |
1 e0 L, V" B8 G+ l' x9 ]' P; p  C.9" ~, I6 H+ o" e/ q- L2 G- S
# D1 p% `# |5 |! i* D) W  E.6+ m2 s8 M+ H6 D
  答案:E1 M/ V' }3 i' t' R1 U% o
  25.In the coordinate plane, points A and B are endpoints of a diameter of a circle with center (-2,1). If the coordinates of A are (-5,5), what are the coordinates of B?
+ W7 i( B, z2 W, p4 y8 M3 ~. T6 y9 [  A.(0,0)# C/ ~" x# v6 Y) N
( b; s1 S+ x$ J$ q9 D, H  C.(3,-1)0 I$ T/ l- B$ V4 v8 ?  I" C. D, I
% P* Y3 s- {! x3 j$ e% H* @4 n& W  E.(1,-3)' H- \5 N" p! }; c: I' u3 U' ?
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