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[GRE数学] gre数学关于代数文字的重点试题(二)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2 f! a. D  X. I8 B. g6 f$ }    11.Mechanical toy cars A, B, and C, each traveling at its own uniform rate, started from the same point at the same time and raced a 400-meter course.3 N) P: R, {7 h( r$ H/ F
    When A crossed the finish line. B was 40 meters behind A, and C was 58 meters behind A.
* W( e7 Y/ X3 R7 l( E8 M' G    When B crossed the finish line, how many meters was C from the finish line?
( |  Q, E9 _: m4 v  q5 H- a& v    A.168 s3 `7 g4 |$ c" q8 M
    B.18: S" C+ Y' ~5 T7 T# B9 P3 y
! f; n$ @- V: k7 `& O8 q/ S7 l    D.20% _0 c. b" d( m0 r
    E.221 D! Y% a% ?3 n* g  w8 g9 Z
    答案:D- N. b; ]7 s9 a% ~0 l
    12.A school bus has 10 double seats in each of 2 rows. Two students can sit in each double seat. If an empty bus starts out and makes two stops, picking up three times the number of students at the second stop as at the first stop, and if the bus is then filled to seating capacity, how many students got on the bus at the second stop?
3 V  f2 ?5 q. g+ g; @/ y% e    A.5  R! _. q% H  O9 W
: c+ |& F0 G" {* N* r    C.151 E) k# ?4 P* F8 h  d4 \+ U4 }
: z$ G+ C! G3 w# m( n6 [    E.30
0 H. W: _  W0 [+ U" [7 o& n    答案:E  Y2 G; y9 Z) i
    13.The daily rate for a hotel room that sleeps 4 people is $39 for one person and x dollars for each additional person. If 3 people take the room for one day and each pays $21 for the room, what is the value of x?; r: Y7 |2 p2 y5 k! m* y
    A.61 ]6 g8 s* K# i
    B.80 v: f5 ^$ Q5 p, x- U7 [
    C.12* n& @$ k2 k+ `1 M0 Q6 {
9 R% z' x. U% l    E.244 x  L* Z9 m4 }5 N
9 W6 |* u1 F1 n4 ]% F. u: A7 q    14.A buzzer sounds every 15 minutes. If the buzzer sounded at 12:40, which of the following could be a time at which the buzzer sounded?9 D0 l( g+ o0 k1 }6 _! X8 t
    A.4:05) }6 k7 r4 h* `% V
    B.5:302 N# ^7 M5 w; [3 `9 _6 V3 u3 G
    C.6:45" G$ r" I2 [. h$ c' y3 A
    D.7:155 `- y: w0 R/ }' j9 [; u
  n* t5 a4 q# r+ a) {, Q$ e    答案:E
* x' I. v7 M6 G; S* a    15.The cost, in dollars, for an appliance repair at a certain company is 1.2p+20h, where p is the wholesale price of the parts, in dollars, and h is the number of hour it takes to repair the appliance. What is the cost of repairing an appliance if the wholesale price of the parts is$15 and it takes 2 hours to repair it ?4 J( e  I3 ?# d  w6 |
    A.$125 L9 w% E5 A7 O
    B. $18
3 s3 T* y: s0 f. A" J$ d" W1 G    C. $20
7 s: A- \' \+ f, ?0 I! k$ \    D. $40
: x2 C( ^+ `+ D    E. $58+ ~0 Z% x( y) J, \. ~, r
    答案:E/ D, ^& n* H3 B/ V: y# W
    16.Three salespeople are paid commissions in proportion to the amount of their sales, which total $25,000, $40,000,and $60,000, respectively. If a total of $20,000 is allocated for these three commission, what is the amount of the largest commission paid?
" {7 M$ U# \6 H6 k; o# U" d    A.$8,000
4 ?2 J" L/ @6 c    B.$8,400
0 `& J8 {4 x1 p9 n5 g    C.$9,600
1 A& ~4 X8 M( p    D.$10,000  a8 C: A6 V/ L5 Y
5 B, P6 ?" P. }: l. X# g    答案:C
' z. F7 N$ |& b    17.The decorating committee for a dance plans to fringe the 3-inch-wide end of a streamer by making small cuts every 1/16 inch. How many cuts must be made to fringe the end?5 X  @4 ~) {# A0 X- P
    A.45- {4 ^+ H5 T. I: e
    B.46& f5 B5 \3 A# R5 l4 q* {8 I0 E# h
    C.47* W: h4 t7 C, c4 _9 Y' m" w+ _
( S8 k2 {$ Q6 R+ y& H    E.49
! O' \  h# R& f% R7 _7 }    答案:C8 t; L7 M. x1 O9 N) D) C! s! T
    18.If two trains are 120 miles apart and are traveling toward each other at a constant rate of 30 mph and 40 mph, respectively, how far apart will they be exactly 1 hour before they meet?
- ]8 A) R$ _9 A9 c: X    A.10 miles
0 b# j$ ^* f( O5 @+ o1 J    B.30 miles4 ]+ G1 k/ N( e( s. G" y$ t; e$ g
    C.40 miles
0 L, @; i$ E: \& ^- k2 [    D.50 miles
4 c' P; c) {  N; {    E.70 miles- I2 @5 X0 B% c+ g
    答案:E5 H* Z* X& j% i6 s
    19.On a highway there is an electric pole every 96 feet. If the poles are numbered consecutively, what is the number of the pole 2 miles past pole number 56?(1 mile=5,280feet)
$ Y' p8 w+ U" ]/ }    A.109+ Y- Q( i  |6 W
    B.110& a; u0 e. k0 _1 d
    C.1520 D5 ~& Q1 Y% \( @
) c0 k2 G% ~/ r( d    E.166: |* y% {0 p9 M7 a+ J# S

% e6 K) V) G- u3 n) E    答案:E

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:18 | 显示全部楼层


</p>    20.In a certain room, all except 18 of the people are over 50 years of age. If 15 of the people in the room are under 50 years of age, how many people are in the room?
; T. D2 w2 I  K% F) F    A.271 V9 P0 D5 ?' @0 W/ _5 G
5 [0 k, j- ]4 W1 @) b0 `2 V, k    C.33; L2 m9 B* L* X/ s% a# l& k  @
. Y4 T  i( ~; G+ ?9 Z$ g' y    E. It cannot be determined from the information given.
% c; @% R9 O# N# |    答案:E/ a$ H  {& t" @) }; {
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