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[GRE数学] gre数学关于代数文字的重点试题(一)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
考生如果觉得复习gre数学考试比较难不妨从这些题目练习开始,每篇都是按照分类给大家列举了一些典型题目,本篇主要是针对gre数学考试代数文字题型方面的典型题目及答案。下面是1-10题。8 ?) @2 O& L; U
    1. Brand R coffee costs $3.25 per pound and brand T coffee costs $2.50 per pound.
" q; ~" ?3 A) ^! h  J: C. k6 _: {    The number of pounds of brand R in a mixture of brands R and T that costs $3.00 per pound.
& q; Z) h' Z0 E& V2 f- y    A. 1
  t0 {0 r' s1 t- i    B. 2
2 W2 U4 x$ f$ z. |2 V    C  3& }' d+ r+ W. t* o
    D  1.2
1 I, c3 ]) K$ \, X. p, a  t4 g    答案:D/ I) [/ P  h4 ?# |
    2.A manufacture packages soap powder in container of three different sizes. The amount of soap powder in a full large container could fill exactly 3 of the medium containers or exactly 5 of the small containers. If an equal number of small and larger containers are to be filled with the amount of soap powder that would fill 90 medium containers, how many small containers will be filled?9 W' v4 X( d; {. P: e( G
, v" V% _' L" b' z2 {9 E- P    B.272 N' E9 l+ `& D, b  |
" M1 m4 S/ F+ X8 ~9 a0 n    D.45& I  q6 J+ _& h1 t: v8 W2 P- [: m: P
    E.55! h+ f* [! p- k2 f0 m( u
    答案:A2 P& F' b+ i% l7 `5 p
    3.A rectangular floor 18 feet by 10 feet is to be completely covered with carpeting that costs x dollars per square yard. In terms of x, how many dollars will the carpeting cost? (1 yard = 3 feet)
9 D( c! e3 N# ]# v* }    A.20x
% r$ o4 U' k8 \+ r- l% Z1 d( n: g9 S    B.28x$ T8 G$ n8 P( A& p& k
    C.60x+ a  b( ~9 |  G' T
    D.180x6 V0 p/ H9 G2 _  Z6 w, J
    E.540x3 y8 z3 B, M; P* G8 s6 n9 a
, m2 W# f6 O, J& _    4. A widow received 1/3 of her husband‘s estate, and each of her three sons received 1/3 of the balance. If the widow and one of her sons received a total of $60,000 from the estate, what was the amount of the estate?
5 w1 ^- a7 r. O, R* g, s4 s    A.$90,000
) t0 |, [1 M: u    B.$96,0007 e2 Y( n$ ?" C* d* J- _
7 O- q9 h& Z; y" L    D.$135,000  E, F! w) _( U1 ~* u
. ^5 K6 q# j7 l
4 H/ K' i% D% w5 g    答案:C

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:18 | 显示全部楼层


</p>    5.At 9:00 a.m. train T left the train station and two hours later train S left the same station on a parallel track. If train T averaged 60 kilometers per hour and train S averaged 75 kilometers per hour until S passed T, at what time did S pass T?6 v6 i& G+ b; I6 l$ D( {! @+ ]9 B
    A.2:00p.m# l; A# N- a# y& q; B+ ]- n# [+ {
, r" C, T- j+ l: T# K( L    C.6:00p.m
- W3 D7 g' ]6 ^# l: F9 i3 K    D.7:00p.m1 L6 }/ x: Z+ x, {" h+ D
    E.9:00p.m! A. ?. Z6 l: ]% O; |) S% T2 H
    答案:D' `1 I( _, X5 m' L! B
    6.The charge for a telephone call made at 10:00 a.m. from City Y to City X is $0.50 for the first minute and $0.34 for each additional minute. At these rates, what is the difference between the total cost of three 5-minute calls and the cost of one 15-minute call?$ J8 w, u  [2 N: Y
: A% x* T# {- [% p% P: e    B. $0.16
1 f0 K) y2 n0 O  p1 r( D7 R% t    C. $0.32
# ^% \3 K. Z& Y8 o5 P    D. $0.48
: w6 F" }. p7 U  e, p    E. $1.00; o% H$ \+ m/ t9 {! y0 S, u( ~' t  E
& {) M1 ]! R# t" }9 {8 Y! B    7.A consumer insulates a house with material bought at 20 percent off the list price of $370.If the consumer also receives a rebate of $25 from the manufacturer of the material, how much does the material cost the consumer、
8 S* v- ?. }" }8 }    A. $238
  m1 ~" ]8 B7 o' p. Q; t) _! S    B.$240; h: W; o, J) w( _
; c& }2 N. g1 S7 h) b    D.$2715 n: ?; w% l/ L$ V" I
: G8 _( j: l( ^6 k    答案:D9 {9 C& h/ n1 ^  R; p
    8.What was the original price of an item if a discount of 20 percent reduced the price to $100?/ D* ^& ^! o, A6 {. d& }0 f. R) s, K
    A.$80  ?2 @* S+ A$ H1 |2 _' W
    B.$120, t7 w( j) w' ^' C
& e2 ~+ w( A$ E4 L7 s7 A    D.$150
: _4 `, ^2 ]$ R& N    E.$250$ I+ ]5 I+ |+ K0 w" o
" ?' N! ]8 X5 j    9.Of the 400 cadets in a graduating class, 30 percent were women and, of these, 1/5 became instructors. If the number of men who became instructors was twice the number of women who became instructors, how many of the men became instructors?
( a8 B' U* S& ]5 {6 N5 _* j; E    A.120
: Y1 L" F1 n+ R8 j8 a2 K) l' W    B.48' M! \" m" ]# j1 C3 P; J
8 W7 b& f+ T$ Y# D6 e9 B" R    D.24% _2 G9 c# e) j
# D5 G9 R2 t6 R    答案:B
8 |9 c2 ?5 m3 H* M7 ?. v    10. A company paid $500,000 in merit raises to employees whose performances were rated A,B, or C. Each employee rated A received twice the amount of the raise that was paid to each employee rated C; each employee rated B received 3/2 times the amount of the raise that was paid to each employee rated C. If 50 workers were rated A, 100 were rated B, and 150 were rated C, how much was the raise paid to each employee rated A ?5 R- p0 ~4 W* H( S; r
    A.$370) R& s6 m' N1 @# `+ X3 Z0 J
8 s" _4 _) z7 ^# F- |0 w    C.$7402 I# C7 \5 W# z1 e0 s
    D.$1,250/ W7 v4 E7 q# R7 N. Q
8 }/ m, b" M5 U8 [    答案:E
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