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[GRE数学] 新GRE数学要点:Sum of Arithmetic Progression

发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
新版gre数学复习重要考点:Sum of Arithmetic Progression   The sum of n-numbers of an arithmetic progression is given by
; B% u  k; J* S0 Y$ M; `  S=nx*dn(n-1)/2
! Z2 ]8 I2 L7 G9 N  where x is the first number and d is the constant increment.
  o5 p1 q# q4 U, c  example:
  O  F1 ]0 ~9 _/ C  }0 ?* I  sum of first 10 positive odd numbers:10*1+2*10*9/2=10+90=100
$ }' G; i1 y- Y  sum of first 10 multiples of 7 starting at 7: 10*7+7*10*9/2=70+315=385
$ s2 v' d& Y- n9 l1 O% v- }, V5 I9 _  remember:% ?% v! E0 z, z' O/ ^4 h' I* y  n
  For a descending AP the constant difference is negative., X! r* P( i/ Z) L8 @+ w

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