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[GRE数学] 新GRE数学要点:Term

发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Term   A product of coefficients and any number of variables with exponents is called a term. Terms that have the same variables with identical exponents for each variables are called like terms.9 K# A/ O% E3 W
8 n3 K' M/ f- D) \; c% a  3x,axy,4x2yz are terms. 3x+2 is not term: it is a sum of two terms.
# P; Z  h0 Z* f* u7 D  3x2y and 7x2y are like terms since both have the same variables x and y with identical exponents: 2 for x and 1 for y.
' T' d0 W1 G. Q8 z  Remember:
2 B  t* {( I* T  There cannot be any addition or subtraction in a single term.
! X, q7 z( q7 ]; A5 u$ z  Since multiplication is associative, rearrangements of variables does not change a term:3xy is same as 3yx.
$ o' M3 X; w- ~! Q' S" Y9 {2 h  3x2y and 7xyx are like terms.
+ z' w' m9 T  p4 p3 l7 \  由于美国数学基础教育的难度增加导致数学考试越来越难,但新gre数学复习考点都是高中时候学到的知识点,考生不要过于紧张,把基本概念弄明白,再记住一些新版gre数学必备的词汇,那么相信新版gre数学应该没有问题。

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