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[GRE数学] 新GRE数学要点:Coefficient

发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Coefficient   A constant multiplier of a variable is known as coefficient. They are typically represented by letters a,b,c.
* [  K' a( F( \* Z3 @  Example:
" \0 b' L# e$ Q* Q% M/ m  In the expression 3x+5,3 is the coefficient of x.
1 T" L( H* b% E/ G! [  In the equation 4x+2y=6,4 is the coefficient of x and 2 is the coefficient of y./ g% L7 Z3 l" T# S3 Q% Q
  In the inequality 2*sin(x)+3>z,2 is the coefficient of the function sin(x).# g& c2 F% V. u8 _6 t5 L2 p. f
  Remember:/ Z# y6 z& g( ~7 x, K" E
  Coefficient cannot change its value.来自www.Examw.com

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