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[GRE数学] 新GRE数学要点:At Least Once

发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
At Least Once   If probability of an event happening is p, then the probability that the event happens at least once in n trials is 1-(1-p)∧n.
6 Q7 |: S9 A& u+ B  Example:7 V2 s" K& j8 n% U8 F% h
  To understand the equation follow these steps:  1.The probability of the event not happening is 1-p.
' |! y" U" _7 p6 L/ t  2.The probability it won't happen n-times in a row is (1-p)∧n.
; D# H* w3 I: H7 C2 V4 J3 L  3.Probability it will happen at least once is 1-(1-p)∧n.  Y8 L& e3 q* M
  Probability that a roll of a six-sided die land with face 1 is 1/6.Then the probability that 1 will turn up at least once in 3 tries:=1-(1-1/6)∧3=1-(5/6)∧3.: e3 u2 V) m' T) ]0 `
& p) K* L+ G: x5 w9 ]* L  It is much harder to directly calculate the at-least-once probability.

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