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[GRE数学] 新GRE数学考试算术题精选例子(2)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
新GRE考试的改革,让许多考生们都感觉头疼,但是复习起来如果觉得难的话,不妨练习一下这些经典例题,一定会有所帮助的哦!# ?) b( v, q+ N8 G7 u) n
1.Seven is equal to how many thirds of seven?
$ e/ }0 A# Z! L6 A* Q0 W3 h* W6 I  A.1/3
  P7 j# P7 m7 P+ v' L  B.1
# C% a" s6 ^9 C1 e2 g  C.3
1 N, t/ e5 E: z  D.7/ ?  L% {' B1 u) u; w  m
8 B( g8 F! S+ ]  答案:C
, ~& P: i% z% V2.How many positive integers less than 20 are equal to the sum of a positive multiple of 3 and a positive multiple of 4?" Y5 |: j$ l$ P+ [+ `+ L
7 o5 [  k4 A% K  ?5 e  B.5  G) y7 q8 Q' R* w' L) T
  C.77 ]7 e* Z: P# b$ }
  D.107 X+ a& o; O; g& q3 F+ I& W
1 x& e* N! B' }  答案:D9 `: ?: ]: f( i& x! `
3.5/2 percent of 1120
5 W# O* D9 z9 k0 @  K" e$ j  22*7
; T% a+ @5 c% t* t0 a  M: d1 A2 ?  答案:C来自www.Examw.com! Y' h" [& Z5 ~5 i- b$ W7 e9 |
4.The figure above consists of 25 squares. If the figure were folded along the dotted diagonal to forn a flat triangle, then 26 minus the number in the square that would coincide with the square containing 26 would be  
3 h- z; \* ?" B, u9 e  A.13" Q+ N" H+ M' `: t- y0 b
  B.14* M$ w# |- c' w% t% G0 O
& R! d2 P& r  x) z5 w+ ^% [  D.16
0 |% s  q, b) J$ |8 ?- u' i  E.17
2 Z; S, A0 S& Q2 e  Q  答案:D9 f7 U) y4 P1 J, H5 X7 y, v
5.What is the remainder when 63 is divided by 8?
. a4 u, x. }0 ^3 p2 ]" |  A.51 X+ a7 B( r: E% E3 ?1 v9 ]2 e# Z
  B.3中华考试网(www.Examw。com)3 W# i* {" {+ T$ _& a9 R
; ~6 r& N' \9 N4 z( g  D.1/ U; J- I; c. l. @
3 b9 _  z# s3 @9 ^' f8 v  答案:E

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