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[GRE填空] 新gre填空练习2:双空题型

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  由于ets对gre的改革,而新gre考试又之进行了一场,相对于新gre填空题的复习资料也较少,小编搜集整理了有关新gre填空双空选择题复习资料,接下来几天小编将搜集来的有关新gre填空双空选择题型部分的资料分享给大家。0 c9 j6 r# }2 }) h
  1. Because outlaws were denied______under medieval law, anyone could
/ X, `& D/ l. d% x; V  raise a hand against them with legal______.
/ m6 _: i: O5 [; [& m4 b  Blank (i)        Blank (ii)! o) r' b) j0 d$ e
  A propriety   D impunity9 e9 t+ W# {& l1 ]
  B protection  E intervention9 A8 f2 y: q) |. O+ w
  C collusion    F collaboration0 X' B0 J" o6 k  f( m) ]5 Q4 V
  2. Parts of seventeenth-century Chinese pleasure gardens were not necessarily intended to look_____; they were designed expressly to evoke the agreeable melancholy resulting from a sense of the ______of natural beauty and human glory.
1 j+ |% p! [4 I4 q7 q2 q% l  Blank (i)         Blank (ii)
, e/ L- B8 d8 m# M  A cheerful     D transitoriness
6 o3 F0 x' n' R# f# [" E- Q9 w- w( Y" C  B luxuriant    E taciturnity
& M- B, K0 F$ w8 O$ _( x  `  C collusion   F frivolity; w; p& W; g$ E2 T# p4 [  M4 c$ f$ P0 ]
  3. Although he attempted repeatedly to______her of her conviction of his insincerity, he was not successful; she remained______in her judgment.% X( \* ?. U' L, k4 N$ C
  Blank (i)           Blank (ii)+ G- W- O  @: e$ }
  A discernment  D entangling3 ]9 c- P" [2 N
  B skepticism     E reinstating; p* x, Y7 M7 c
  C quixotism       F deciphering
; a# I- Z$ j3 J* s6 t- W) @: J  4. It is ironic that a critic of such overwhelming vanity now suffers from a measure of the oblivion to which he was forever______others, in the end, all his______has only worked against him.
" y4 K- z5 g! o% ^1 b5 x6 o  Blank (i) Blank (ii)& O- \5 C' \( O5 o  @. q: R
  A consigning D self-adulation
1 D+ E. _3 f4 `6 m& e& d' a$ n  B relegating E self-sacrifice* s$ V6 b# `  d9 Z2 N) ]' C* Q
  C condemning F self-analysis
  Q) h' p3 j$ N9 q' n  5. The old man could not have been accused of______ his affection; his conduct toward the child betrayed his______her." e: u2 D/ k- ?; D9 V6 P4 B* L
  Blank (i)       Blank (ii)
8 F& M& D$ J, o' U# `  A promising  D adoration of
$ }% g& t  H, Z9 m" p8 j  B stinting      E sympathy for9 a; @; \" p2 v' |1 y7 v
" o' v% c2 O3 M& m
  C lavishing F tolerance of

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:34 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  6. That his intransigence in making decisions______no open disagreement from any quarter was well known; thus, clever subordinates learned the art of ______their opinions in casual remarks.
# r% d$ T  {, S) U2 |8 X. l' I. {* ~' S  Blank (i)        Blank (ii), @: u* p. Z8 @! `9 V8 H. R/ }" [
  A abstract      D allow for: a0 Y9 r/ e' A
  B anomalous  E deny7 ?; V" \+ h7 k5 N1 d6 _6 ]8 R
  C enduring     F speak to7 V4 _. h, F1 v% u: E& {( H
  7. In the machinelike world of classical physics, the human intellect appears______, since the mechanical nature of classical physics does not ______creative reasoning, the very ability that had made the formulation of classical principles possible.
( R2 @# y- w9 {5 c+ s; K  Blank (i)         Blank (ii)
3 b; B( j) c8 m  A elicited          D intimating
% B% w8 g: X; p/ E  B engendered  E instigating1 o  m: A: k. H7 o3 G+ D% K# l
  C brooked        F emending
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