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[GRE填空] 新gre填空练习1:双空选择题型

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
( y+ Z: }& F" Q. Q( P  1. As for the alleged value of expert opinion, one need only ______ government records to see______ evidence of the failure of such opinions in many fields.
: r, X+ @- N/ R+ g: W. [" W/ l! z  Blank (i)        Blank (ii)
: `2 o6 z* D: q  A distribute D questionable
, P$ j: v# m' k/ W9 V; D3 z. r: e% o' q) K  B consult    E strong
* ^4 i& z9 `2 r5 W4 u  C retain      F circumstantial
7 {8 v# U; [+ j' R- T  2. Noting that few employees showed any______for complying with the corporations new safety regulations, Peterson was forced to conclude that acceptance of the regulations would be______, at best.
, B* g3 e" p' L5 m4 I: D9 z  Blank (i)          Blank (ii)3 W9 ~$ w% {4 v& z
  A enthusiasm  D grudging
' a' a  _+ u. e  Q1 N7 y( T  B indifference  E indeterminate/ {( e! `$ W1 D4 r0 D
  C rectitude      F unavoidable* I8 P7 n( e7 t7 ]6 }6 \( m
  3. Yellow fever, the disease that killed 4,000 Philadelphians in 1793, and so______Memphis, Tennessee, that the city lost its charter, has reappeared after nearly two decades in______in the Western Hemisphere.
: `7 b2 ^! M. F2 w  Blank (i)         Blank (ii). q7 z2 E; ?, L. m6 k% B3 ~
  A decimated  D abeyance9 H/ B8 u* k. H6 {# `3 ^+ u6 ]+ ]7 t
  B terrorized  E secret) d7 A% P  f; b8 H
  C corrupted  F quarantine
9 I* G5 c/ H2 t" q6 F* W  A  4. Nature’s energy efficiency often______human technology: despite the intensity of the light fireflies produce, the amount of heat is negligible; only recently have humans developed chemical light-producing systems whose efficiency______ the firefly’s system.& c& o7 g6 E9 G+ X, U
  Blank (i)     Blank (ii)
* q  Q5 p* _6 {- O$ B5 c6 [  A admire    D elusive
1 k- N0 \% s8 w8 u+ V0 F- Q  B dismiss   E relevant
0 r2 Y" j7 m8 k( X& |  C adapt     F unconventional( q7 M/ k& u/ E7 w8 `+ S6 t9 m
  5. Hampshire’s assertions, far from showing that we can______the ancient puzzles about objectivity, reveal the issue to be even more______than we had thought.
7 E% p# o! S( t  Blank (i)               Blank (ii)6 S7 H0 E2 A: w) Z) r% R
  A candid               D soliciting5 T8 ^! o' n/ s, u% d
  B idiosyncratic     E altering
+ {# \$ J- }. S# Z  N
- A* y( N$ e& u( G; {' H3 n$ R5 ~  C reticent             F eschewing

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:34 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  6. Though extremely______about his own plans, the man allowed his associates no such privacy and was constantly______information about what they intended to do next.$ v, T2 h" u) j7 ~
  Blank (i)          Blank (ii)9 r  O% k  d4 f( y1 K9 c- b
  A outstrips      D stimulates3 X8 T; ?/ t% X" S. k$ ^/ d! ]! J- e
  B inhibits         E rivals9 H, L+ X7 W2 n2 Q% e* u) P
  C determines   F reproduce
6 M+ g! A% a* D/ G1 v, U  7. Ironically, the party leaders encountered no greater ______their efforts to build a progressive party than the______of the progressives already elected to the legislature.
+ @1 n1 ^, ~  [* b, K  Blank (i)                Blank (ii)
$ u' ?6 _/ \7 T; q# \: g  A an accepted       D anachronism to% C8 C: U  |/ J
  B an underground  E concern about
2 v$ P% {  h  ?  C an unknown      F defiance against
5 O$ V! h: b& M. F, m; F  8. No longer______by the belief that the world around us was expressly designed for humanity, many people try to find intellectual______for that lost certainty in astrology and in mysticism.. x- K5 {3 r8 D& c9 |
  Blank (i)         Blank (ii)
9 a: v' o% G, L  s  A sustained   D reasons4 Y$ Y2 f7 f/ g* f5 N* Y2 _6 \
  B restricted   E substitutes, S- P" B4 d8 I4 n( r- D  h8 X
  C hampered   F justifications7 R' w+ {# D3 z5 K. R- D
  9. Just as astrology was for centuries______faith, countering the strength of established churches, so today believing in astrology is an act of______ the professional sciences.
3 E# z* s2 |5 v  Blank (i)               Blank (ii); ]6 i4 O9 H, @! j
  A benefit from    D success' f; j. M& C6 N
  B obstacle to      E reputation
  r/ `$ v+ Z, M& B( B; v2 |  C praise for        F resistance
8 Q0 y( \" I! o5 Z  r, J- O  10. Many of the earliest colonial houses that are still standing have been so modified and enlarged that the______design is no longer______.9 @- {2 s2 K- F
  Blank (i)              Blank (ii)% a2 V0 M% q6 N' P4 V1 C! |
  A embellished     D discernible
. j& h0 R4 r4 _* {4 i6 T4 X7 X  B initial                E applicable
% G7 G9 T& I. W0 E; Y: W4 o; \$ D5 f  C appropriate     F attractive
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