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[GRE填空] 新gre填空练习5:双空题型

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  由于ets对gre的改革,而新gre考试又只进行了两场,相对于新gre填空题的复习资料也较少,小编搜集整理了有关新gre填空双空选择题复习资料,接下来几天小编将搜集来的有关新gre填空双空选择题型部分的资料分享给大家。  1. Although the revelation that one of the contestants was a friend left the judge open to charges of lack of______, the judge remained adamant in her assertion that acquaintance did not necessarily imply______.
4 M6 M& R, ~$ Q7 a6 o* y  Blank (i)            Blank (ii)
! c% K) m" D# B, g  A detach ment    D tolerance) C5 M' C0 {$ i" e5 E, M
  B exoneration     E foreknowledge) U9 q% r6 [2 u/ a! A
  C prejudice         F partiality
7 S7 |& B) j) o# z  c  2. Exposure to sustained noise has been claimed to______blood pressure regulation in human beings and, particularly, to increase hypertension, even though some researchers have obtained inconclusive results that______the relationship.
, u: Y# w: x6 f7 G) s, _& k5 D  Blank (i)       Blank (ii)
, N. k* @( @! h  A sharpen    D buttress
1 Q% ^: K$ |- o9 d* o% _  B increase    E obscure
# C' D$ V; e0 y9 l, `! D/ g  C impair       F neutralize
8 C& D: k. i  @* m% |! m  3. Although the feeding activities of whales and walruses give the seafloor of the Bering Shelf a devastated appearance, these activities seem to be actually______to the area, ______its productivity.  _. u0 \+ R" J5 @* p/ f
  Blank (i)        Blank (ii)  P) ^0 ?. g$ p" q& r; c: N
  A beneficial   D encumbering
- p. d& x* c# K) X6 w8 Q* B  B detrimental E redirecting
% `' I, L$ z' }$ Q2 m( C  C superfluous F enhancing
2 }2 T8 O: F( K  j  4. Our new tools of systems analysis, powerful though they may be, lead to______theories, especially, and predictably, in economics and political science, where productive approaches have long been highly______.
, N2 d6 C5 F2 b9 [: q$ [, y6 g  Blank (i)             Blank (ii)3 F) B; o4 l- z3 s
  A instinctive.     D discriminating( F9 {9 N7 ^# @7 `/ Y4 W! B  I: W
  B philosophical  E random2 g# |- f/ Y+ }5 D4 @
  C perennial         F ephemeral) U( j* H* d7 D4 j, R) h# n
  5. The ______questions that consistently structure the study of history must be distinguished from merely______questions, which have their day and then pass into oblivion.3 C0 C% N, S5 W/ o1 f' h
  Blank (i)          Blank (ii)
# B6 c/ P0 A0 b  A milestone     D tolerable+ Z$ M2 T0 M' w
  B regression     E significant
3 m2 ^: ^# W* K6 M  H6 m/ e% U0 g' m" T) Y: b; d
  C misjudgment F disappointing

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:34 | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:35 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  6. As the first streamlined car, the Airflow represented a______in automotive development, and although its sales were______, it had an immense influence on automobile design." n1 W6 O/ a3 m6 d' B4 Q
  Blank (i)         Blank (ii)
7 l- _) w$ J2 w3 [  A pragmatic   D intuitional8 N7 z2 p# W2 w  J2 E
  B explanatory E elusive
: A0 x$ i+ G7 P3 F, b8 z  C simplistic    F convergent
1 V) r+ K0 W& r" n/ f  7. A war, even if fought for individual liberty and democratic rights, usually requires that these principles be______, for they are______the regimentation and discipline necessary for military efficiency.
: {7 ~# `: `8 O9 S" T* `  s  Blank (i)          Blank (ii)& ~' U) I5 I% N+ P: [. ~( U
  A competent  D reconciled with
" c& \" y/ f4 @% b0 K4 g5 n' z  B random       E emphasized by
+ |3 d' ~* {( f$ [, Q, V  C swift          F associated with
! S5 R$ F3 L, z! [" e; \. C2 Z; ^  8. Number theory is rich in problems of an especially______sort: they are tantalizingly simple to state but______difficult to solve.- f! u7 d3 ?9 Y2 M
  Blank (i)         Blank (ii)  n6 k! c7 o9 Y
  A espoused    D fulfilled through9 N" G3 d$ ]( [$ Q8 m
  B suspended   E incompatible with
+ n5 t( z& N! }# _$ U% E  C followed      F inherent in7 |* t0 h# T- `) ]7 |1 L
  9. No one is ______ about Stephens; he inspires either uncritical adulation or profound ______ in those who work for him.
9 ^6 N/ m' x. i! U; Q/ \, M  Blank (i)      Blank (ii)1 w/ `# ?% }, X
  A neutral     D consternation
4 K$ u) |0 ?( v% n$ _5 r  B infuriated  E anxiety2 b% {# P2 `4 S4 `: m3 P
  C worried     F antipathy
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