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[GRE填空] 新gre填空练习4:双空题型

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  由于ets对gre的改革,而新gre考试又之进行了一场,相对于新gre填空题的复习资料也较少,小编搜集整理了有关新gre填空双空选择题复习资料,接下来几天小编将搜集来的有关新gre填空双空选择题型部分的资料分享给大家。8 C/ M; w' p* U, M8 Q. h" f3 l
  1. When theories formerly considered to be______ in their scientific objectivity are found instead to reflect a consistent observational and evaluative bias, then the presumed neutrality of science gives way to the recognition that categories of knowledge are human______.0 a& C- p3 ~4 \6 J* E4 j6 m+ w
  Blank (i)             Blank (ii), X1 j/ d, I& x) @$ }
  A disinterested  D imperatives  E+ X. }' ^. z
  B callous           E errors
: H/ u% t+ C! j3 F$ L5 E  C verifiable       F constructions4 \( e! g: T& v! z. F& B- v$ _7 J
  2. Although Mount Saint Helens has been more______during the last 4,500 years than any other volcano in the coterminous United States, its long dormancy before its recent eruption______its violent nature.8 e' J  ~3 }' b9 B4 @
  Blank (i)               Blank (ii)
9 t9 c- H$ E/ C1 j0 C$ A0 N  A awe-inspiring   D confirmed
; r+ D/ s  _0 y' c& x' F' e  S' e  B explosive          E suggested# p2 z# m8 `7 m7 D
  C gaseous            F belied
' s/ f( }$ H) N% R& a& s  3. In failing to see that the justices pronouncement merely ______ previous decisions rather than actually establishing a precedent, the novice law clerk ______ the scope of the justices judgment.0 F* R# B0 ^. j  k7 V/ G- h) X
  Blank (i)           Blank (ii)( \) ]$ Q$ G) H; I
  A conquered     D altruism
6 p: N; a% a4 z, G8 n/ ~  B intimidated     E gain  z! e% k: u% m2 Z1 w/ P  c$ w
  C distressed      F enigma* l& Q' A$ W- I  A+ q
  4. Without the psychiatrists promise of confidentiality, trust is______and the patients communication limited; even though confidentiality can thus be seen to be precious in therapy, moral responsibility sometimes requires a willingness to______it.
0 G3 C1 m' T. C. V/ }  Blank (i)       Blank (ii)6 x# x9 R! d- o
  A fickle        D strength
( }4 G: w7 G3 y1 o- c& d0 P  B fanatical    E incompatibility
# U5 K( T1 N* e  C congenial  F speciousness
) Z+ \' }( u# y8 p4 s  5. Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations (1776) is still worth reading, more to appreciate the current_______of Smiths valid contributions to economics than to see those contributions as the ______of present-day economics.
& G) f" k5 B0 K1 z" C9 v* U  Blank (i)      Blank (ii)7 }( m- J3 ^( G# ^
  A implicit   D sacrifice$ H, ^- O6 r: M8 h" w
  B assumed  E examine) d( j# e3 {% U% h& H
  C impaired  F uphold
* v( z  e" V$ {+ i6 {3 t  6. While Parker is very outspoken on issues she cares about, she is not______; she concedes the______of opposing arguments when they expose weaknesses inherent in her own.
2 A# Z0 O2 s' |# F% Q& p( X  Blank (i)                     Blank (ii)
: [. \2 Z9 V. m& N$ \- e1 f  A disregard                  D outgrowths  A( @! A' L# m3 U  y% Y- O
  B presumptuousness   E precursors
2 T9 R+ H6 m! [0 b  C relevance                  F vestiges
" c) ?9 A0 w# G6 ?# w: \  以上就是小编给大家分享的有关新gre填空双空选择部分的题目,希望考生们在做这些新gre填空题的过程中,尽快适应新gre考试的变化,增强自己的逻辑思维推断能力。

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