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[GRE填空] GRE填空指导:在看似涉及背景知识的题目里找重复

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
对于新版gre考试句子填空部分,考生都会觉得难度增加了。其实这主要是平时对于这部分的内容复习不到位造成的。如果你能了解这些句子的逻辑关系,相信对于选出答案就十分容易了。5 K! T% l$ Y* V; E
  新版gre考试句子填空——在看似涉及背景知识的题目里找重复/ a8 ?# }8 }$ L  `5 |9 S  O8 o& Y
  1.The new biological psychiatry does not deny the contributing role of psychological factors in mental illnesses, but posits that these factors may act as a catalyst on existing physiological conditions and ________ such illnesses.2 X* h2 d# e* q2 T4 r7 l4 c" e
  A. disguise! M7 H: f; P4 z+ L
  B. impede/ G2 b$ I9 H9 }. ?
  C. constrain0 r/ t  h; O5 E4 h
  D. precipitate
* T- a1 r8 u; Q  N& ]9 b- V  E. consummate" M3 Y4 A8 e, h) M6 l: ^# Q4 l
  2.A perennial goal in zoology is to infer function from___, relating the ___of an organism to its physical form and cellular organization.
2 U+ Q$ {4 |5 Y* [5 |5 t7 m/ o  A. age….ancestry
+ J. G1 m/ R4 A8 f. I& b  B. classification….appearance. u4 W( L4 m) ]& v/ D+ B5 L6 f
  C. size…. movement: [+ B9 s2 b8 X
  D. structure….behavior$ p+ s( J  _3 D6 v, O
  E. location…..habitat
7 [# E: M& Q! \+ f4 h  3.The pressure of population on available resources is the key to understanding history; consequently, any historical writing that takes no cognizance of______ facts is______ flawed." b) V5 e3 S$ d8 ?9 t3 K1 v
  A. demographic….intrinsically& j4 D1 ]4 a. o: @; o4 ]6 E
  B. ecological…. marginally
# \# }9 [- |  s  C. cultural…..substantively2 B5 u7 ~- y, t1 T4 L- R; _
  D. psychological…philosophically+ ~6 x4 ]0 n; j+ O6 t5 h! j
  E. political….. demonstratively
& p  a7 A/ t4 E+ K0 u9 |! q5 |- `  4.Although the discovery of antibiotics led to great advances in clinical practice, it did not represent a ________ bacterial illness, for there are some bacteria that cannot be ________ treated with antibiotics.
! _3 T4 _0 y. K* O4 u, e% f3 k, a/ E  A. breakthrough in ... consistently
1 {0 v" ~3 x1 M0 S% b  B. panacea for ... effectively/ L  e, j9 [" h: M7 w% Q
  C. neglect of ... efficiently2 Y$ P5 }' C. R. \. W
  D. reexamination of ... conventionally
0 b  n; Y: p! a, r% N  E. resurgence of ... entirely
2 |7 g5 U' |% h) R/ a  以上这些新版gre考试句子填空的习题是针对在看似涉及背景知识的题目里找重复的逻辑关系。判断出句子的逻辑关系后,才能更为准确地选出答案。

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