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[GRE填空] 新GRE考试填空题课堂辅导十七

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
in turn   换一种说法 * y  F7 S% T. E
  the new expansion in literacy 在实质上的新的扩张 " L* q: n. P  b- `& V0 u  M: g* H
  A. building 建立; B. reappearance 重新出现; : i5 t1 D" V$ W; W- d, P9 e6 s# K
  C. receipt 收据,单据;D. selection 选择;
) _; R; a" c5 `; U  E. emergence 出现,浮现;
) v9 ]( h7 X+ ?4 y6 ~6 i' e6 ]  reappearance 是不能修饰认知状态的。 : b7 p' s0 o, P1 n1 j
  renew 更新,再现;renewal 更新,再现; % i2 i: p. k( G3 F# t
  答案 E         rise 兴起
5 {$ ?/ Y' \8 z  {: A  s; X$ _: Q; m  在第一个空格填一个物主结构是literacy的特点。
4 m+ Y! m) W! G' k# F. w这道题没有什么转折结构,是顺延性的。而其修饰的对象是一致的,所以其 8 j7 n6 \* K( _
  特点必然也是相同的。 ! X* N' p. a. K* M
literacy - a.  literal 有三个含义:
9 }( o  y. z& R% J% p                   a.字母的,文字的;
2 E1 U  Q: |8 @! J# h                   b.actual 完全的;
6 D+ _. p5 [0 t# d/ G  
5 e8 V1 R) ]4 {% K# [0 m+ f) l3 v( `Exercise Thirty 1 A5 O, Q# s6 N' ?( T  v( g: e
# i' `% E9 Z* v. f! |+ L: l1. In failing to see that the justice’s pronouncement merely ________ previous decisions rather than actually establishing a precedent, the novice law clerk ________ the scope of the justice’s judgment.
; o; G' F9 u6 x6 v! T& a& M   (A) synthesized ... limited + i% L* Q  l3 `5 t- P; l
   (B) overturned ... misunderstood ' C8 I. H' s0 f5 V" \
   (C) endorsed ... nullified ( b6 a4 p2 i0 A4 A0 r% j
   (D) qualified ... overemphasized
; ?% l+ x* F3 a* L   (E) recapitulated ... defined
6 ]; g& F( U5 p+ x  C; `( G  : C% Z- i4 ?8 Z1 c  Z$ s; ~
2. Their mutual teasing seemed ________, but in fact it ________ a long-standing hostility.
$ _! t4 q6 r# M" K0 X' g/ e% z, {  p   (A) aimless ... produced ! }8 q# O3 N- R7 j
   (B) friendly ... masked
! p/ d( f! ^# I1 S- S   (C) playful ... contravened
: ^2 n( o/ X4 l) a   (D) bitter ... revealed . P; u4 W- T# h
   (E) clever ... averted
+ i1 B$ g& [# Y3 R  
% D, c, ]7 U+ _- ]5 F. T1 ?8 D3. Johnson never ________ to ignore the standards of decent conduct mandated by company policy if ________ compliance with instructions from his superiors enabled him to do so, whatever the effects on his subordinates.
$ u) W$ y+ r! `" j( V9 M" t* z   (A) deigned ... tacit : @5 N; k/ M/ u3 s4 T
   (B) attempted ... halfhearted
8 C+ r8 s* E* @% X   (C) intended ... direct
8 h/ ?) k- l3 I# y0 x+ B   (D) scrupled ... literal
# n* e- S/ Q* j' V   (E) wished ... feigned.
6 t. y2 R  P3 a  ' }) Y' ^- U/ y/ y# U  u7 F
4. Though it would be ________ to expect Barnard to have worked out all of the limitations of his experiment, he must be ________ for his neglect of quantitative analysis. * z$ c1 ]- m4 Z6 ?! v
   (A) unjust ... pardoned ' ]& v4 Y7 V- D9 V6 U3 R
   (B) impudent ... dismissed
) O3 ~, h5 `9 F( ~6 n   (C) unrealistic ... criticized % t) F7 ^% X/ l5 u
   (D) pointless ... examined
, k/ X7 F" m$ W8 E   (E) inexcusable ... recognized , D5 r6 m6 _! v7 S
: h! I. M% Z- X7 D; a1 K0 a5. Paradoxically, Robinson’s excessive denials of the worth of early works of science fiction suggest that she has become quite ________ them. ) ~; e5 H6 G8 C' I! N; C( p) \
   (A) reflective about - V  s+ }. W" y8 j* o5 Z! Z
   (B) enamored of
" [) ~2 x0 I) _0 l8 E8 I' K( r   (C) skeptical of 0 |$ K! P1 r. N/ I6 I9 R
   (D) encouraged by
9 z$ m1 x6 v) c( Z7 t9 z   (E) offended by 7 w% r1 C* A) g
  & S- ^8 a0 Y# J
6. A major goal of law, to deter potential criminals by punishing wrongdoers, is not served when the penalty is so seldom invoked that it ________ to be a ________ threat.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:34 | 显示全部楼层


(A) tends ... serious
( o" d. |8 l' u   (B) appears ... real 6 B, C1 L! A4 g1 i8 X+ w( z
   (C) ceases ... credible
) K6 Z9 q0 }4 V! T   (D) fails ... deceptive
- v0 ?5 N" e" @8 v( w# f! P   (E) seems ... coercive ( ^0 p+ k6 y' F/ g
: F$ H& S: L7 T% I/ Q8 }7. As for the alleged value of expert opinion, one need only ________ government records to see ________ evidence of the failure of such opinions in many fields.
3 ?  b* o6 ~5 n+ v: l! }9 b  T   (A) inspect ... questionable $ H0 G# `* Y" V) f
   (B) retain ... circumstantial , M/ [* Y. q, J8 {7 Y6 X
   (C) distribute ... possible
" ^/ w/ B% i& u6 b8 L   (D) consult ... strong ; v) O$ n2 Q' o+ N' P. j
   (E) evaluate ... problematic 6 @: g0 E! D* C% k" q
3. 这道题会给出这样一个结构:
+ r# |$ A, C# @1 W   空格(填形容词)+ compliance(服从)+ with引导的对象;
+ {& a1 {. {7 Q/ f1 u' m6 w* S   这是一个典型解题点:形容词修饰名词加介词结构。 ' Y6 v3 y8 ^1 t- J
   这在GRE里是有单向性的。 ! j% J; g. O4 Y: w  e: p
   literal 在这指 actual 完全服从。
, C6 \' ^; L  i6 `' }" `$ q/ i# o9 Onot figurative 非比喻性的;
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