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[GRE填空] 新GRE考试填空题课堂辅导二十

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Although economists have traditionally considered the district to be solely an agricultural one, the ________ of the inhabitants’ occupations makes such a classification obsolete.
, E( ^5 D% D4 _# _+ k5 q/ T   (A) productivity 3 `1 B: p( I3 v9 S$ J* h
   (B) diversity
; @5 l4 |. ~. y) o+ W2 p   (C) predictability / D/ I" Q# h/ C7 P1 Y6 N
   (D) profitability
- u4 _  k2 P3 ^: a   (E) stability - {; t7 y) A8 W9 }
2 D- e6 Q- X. ~$ S9 H6 m: i2. Although specific concerns may determine the intent of a research project, its results are often ________.
. u0 K5 X9 ~% b( A0 a   (A) unanticipated
- B& }( E$ A( l% g" e& x: P# U, ~   (B) beneficial
: g! _0 X2 A$ e) n   (C) expensive & f% k: Y1 W0 r" n4 i
   (D) spectacular
% H7 b! r8 F" [" W/ s+ q0 Z* @   (E) specialized
9 |5 o/ |2 ]. f9 A" B: Y+ W) G  1 `$ \1 x9 ~3 Y* m7 ?
3. In the days before the mass marketing of books, censorship was ________ source of ________, which helped the sale of the book and inspired Ralph Waldo Emerson to remark: "Every burned book enlightens the world". - c4 s$ m& ?$ r" U, D- O* b
   (A) a respected ... opinion
2 P+ k9 l! j8 F' Q  [3 L   (B) a constant ... guidance % U; D1 m0 I8 ?- U) u; t5 G8 T0 H
   (C) a prime ... publicity
1 [) V; r: C8 X3 K5 r   (D) an unnoticed ... opposition
5 X( r6 A. B" G# \   (E) an unpromising ... criticism
+ }2 n& _5 }9 M- G* X* U* y: ^9 G0 B  : ?# \% f3 l! ]) U
4. Compared mathematically to smoking and driving, almost everything else seems relatively risk-free ________ almost nothing seems worth regulating. % S' e) F1 j1 A& ~5 b6 K# |
   (A) yet 4 S+ o2 X% C0 n' J, Z
   (B) since
3 D% Q- N* s% J; q" T   (C) so
- m( H" X) y/ y6 x4 z! p   (D) even though
" l! H$ _" P' }; H   (E) as long as & Y7 [9 o. m# f" D0 K
, s: j! Q: ~6 P$ n  d3 X( L5. Politeness is not a ________ attribute of human behavior, but rather a central virtue, one whose very existence is increasingly being ________ by the faddish requirement to "speak one’s mind." - L3 j+ t8 l  d3 r! ~- ]/ O/ J$ L6 U4 u
   (A) superficial ... threatened
7 G( y3 h: c* k  r- ~   (B) pervasive ... undercut
0 l3 ~$ O# N0 V# T, ]   (C) worthless ... forestalled
5 P+ ^1 {5 F7 i, X1 k   (D) precious ... repudiated   r8 ~# @1 v  y2 N8 E  A2 ?
   (E) trivial ... affected & x, F( C* d1 Z+ x+ o5 h. X" B+ N
9 T& F3 t& S/ g( U! b0 ?6. The demise of the rigorous academic curriculum in high school resulted, in part, from the progressive rhetoric that ________ the study of subjects previously thought ________ as part of school learning.
: J* w: l% c$ u" b, W0 f' b   (A) advocated ... necessary * p- c- ]. S. w
   (B) enhanced ... indispensable 8 s' U/ U8 N6 p4 S# F' D
   (C) restricted ... impractical 2 |4 w! `: z: w" r
   (D) undermined ... popular $ L  h9 F7 C- V
   (E) sanctioned ... inappropriate
1 e2 j3 h1 U4 W0 G3 b3 ?  {$ \  
" F/ C1 t2 N: E! H6 R7. Their air of cheerful self-sacrifice and endless complaisance won them undeserved praise, for their seeming gallantry was wholly motivated by a ________ wish to avoid conflict of any sort.
. L! }8 s3 i2 ~4 a   (A) poignant ; d* f8 z: A# _/ M
   (B) sincere
: g5 x( m; k. X' i   (C) plaintive - h3 K9 n5 O$ ^* C. P* |
   (D) laudable 5 H, W  Y7 D- Q" i  o
   (E) craven / L5 U( X! a, r+ C- n8 v! D  F
5.  superficial 肤浅的;pervasive 普遍存在的;worthless 无价值的; 0 K, i& S2 i8 k0 _. H" m$ \
     precious 珍贵的;trivial 琐碎的,不重要的;
1 n$ D$ k, ^2 v3 @9 sthreatened 被威胁;forestalled 被阻止;affected 被影响; / E! f6 s2 ]8 J" P/ Q/ l& T
答案 A  ! t: ]7 K8 O" ^+ |( U; P
    speak one’s mind 直言不讳;

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